We seem to be having a whole lot of problems finding the right meds for my wife [She has early on-set, late mid-level Alzheimer's]. Either they do nothing, or they make her physically sick, or they turn her into something like a drunken zombie. Anybody else have this problem?
DH says he doesn’t need my help
I was so upset when he tells me- he doesn’t need any help! I have to help him make a phone call to order cab, make his doctor’s appointments, accompany him to appointments, do his meds, cook dinners and clean, order grocery and more! I can’t take it when he says I don’t help him or he doesn’t need any help! I dared him to…
Have you read Thoughtful Dementia Care
This book is by Jennifer Fuller. I have seen a few of her videos so I ordered her book. Just got it today and read a couple of chapters. I have read a lot of books about Alzheimer’s but this one is very good so far. Was wondering what others thought about it.
Missing 63 yo Woman With Dementia Found Due To Barking Dog
https://www.yahoo.com/news/barking-dog-alerts-searchers-missing-125614127.html Truly sad; she was walking her dog and the simple outing was nearly fatal. Her dog saved her life by being heard. J.
Had to laugh
Don't you just love it when you are talking to a friend who hasn't seen you in many years and they say to you that they know what you are going through---because their friend's husband has dementia?????Effing clueless.
please tell me it gets better--wishful thinking?
Disastrous second MC visit today. Nothing for it but to bail and leave, she was in tears and I was close to it. They didn't tell her I was coming this time---not sure if that contributed. Only about why wasn't I taking her home. Too smart for her own good, this one: the bits about rehab and having the house painted are not…
Peewee no longer wants to do anything.
He no longer wants to help with the dishes. He no longer wants to do laundry, He no longer wants to help around the house at all. All he wants to do is lay in bed and watch Gunsmoke and little house. or the Waltons when he is not sleeping. I can't get him motivated to do anything. He has lost interest in crushing his coke…
Just need to talk to my friends (170)
Hi, You all might want to read the last three posts, or more, on #169. Hadn't meant for it to be so long but wanted to get through getting Jack into ALF. He called and during the conversation he talked about wanting to get his house sold and ask if I could do that. I told him "no - that I didn't know anything about real…
deep worry
I can only bring this situation to these boards. - I am so afraid of the emotional space I am inhabiting these days. My LO was diagnosed in 2019 and is in, I estimate, stage six...I dress her, change her, take care of everything...you all know the work involved. I have started using a caregiving service and this disturbing…
Is this self-pity on my part?
I've been pondering on this all day on whether to post this or not, so here it goes. I know this is a little self pity on my part, but I just can not get it out of my head. Today is my birthday, my kids, grandkids, and even my buddies from my old job called me to tell me happy birthday. My DW heard the conversations with…
Cause of Death an DH's Death Certificate
In a post on April 28, 2022, https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147560735 NW_Mike noted the following: One odd thing about my DW's passing I'd like to note. The coroner called today and said that since she fell and broke her arm almost 3 months ago, and the doctor and hospice both noted that the trauma…
My essay on navigating the overwhelming journey of caring for someone with ALZ was published. Please
I lost my father after an incredibly long battle with Alzheimer's about 15 months ago. Wanting to help others finding themselves in the same horrible situation, I wrote an essay about the experience, which was recently published. I wrote it not only to tell my story, but to provide insight, guidance, resources, and to…
Memory Care Placement
I am in the process of placing my DW in a memory care facility. It is a very difficult thing for me as we have been married for 50 years and always together. Having said that i am seeing another side to memory care places. After visiting three in my area and noting the people there that are in her stage, they seem much…
Pacemaker for DH with moderate/severe dementia/Als
My DH was diagnosed with moderate dementia/Als in Oct of 2020. Fairly uneventful first year, till Oct of 2021, then straight downhill, with a 3 week stint in a Behavioral Hospital to try and get his meds adjusted, then another 11 days in regular hospital in Dec with psychiatrists trying different meds. Anyway, he was…
Thanks for the support
My DW passed away at home in hospice care on Sunday and I wanted to take just a moment to thank everyone on this forum for support, encouragement and information. I only posted a few times because usually when I would start to respond to a post I would find that someone else had already said what I was thinking. Guess I'm…
Another little loss.
So today is first Sunday that is when we take communion. So dw is in front of me and walks up to be serve and doesn't know what to do, she's starts walking away so I get her bread and juice and give them to her, she drinks the juice eats the bread and puts the cup back in the serving tray. I went along like it wasn't…
inflation and long term care facilities
I received a notice that rates are going up at DH's MC facility because of inflation and staff pay raises. Same thing happened last September. You can bet I'll be asking the caregivers if they are actually getting a raise (I know them all pretty well). Anyone else experiencing this?? I'm just curious.
DH has begun his journal 'home'
My Dean Howard (DH!) died early this morning. I was by his side. I wish I could say it was a peaceful death but he was in much pain. Prior to his death, I've not liked the phrase, "He's in a better place" but in this case, it's true. Last night while holding his hand, I told him he'll be singing with the angels soon (He…
wants to see a doctor
New to posting here but I have absorbed so much information on this site over the last year. Quick background – MCI diagnosis 2016, Dementia/Alzheimer’s 2021. The dementia diagnosis was difficult because DW is generally very healthy and convinced nothing wrong and no need to see a doctor. Current situation – needs help…
I feel like I am going crazy....
I have posted before about my DH. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with MCI by a neurologist (she said she couldn't diagnose anything other than that). Our internist, however, thinks my DH has early Alzheimer's. That was a few months ago. So, it may be worse now... I realized that dementia shows differently in each person.…
faster slide downhill
My husband first noticed his symptoms 12 years ago. 6 years ago he was considered moderate-to-severe, and a lumbar puncture diagnosed Alzheimer's. Just last summer we had a cookout for all of his family. He could not grill the meat, so his son did. I fixed his plate of food but he could eat independently. He had a good…
suggestions for hiding pills?
My DW has a UTI, absolutely will not swallow a full cipro or half a cipro. Crushed in applesauce it still is a strong taste and she won't eat it. Any suggesting for alternative items to hide cipro in? Thanks, Rick
Ground Hog Day
Does anyone else feel like they are in that movie? Get up in the am, DH uses the bathroom. I clean the bathroom, he takes a shower, breakfast and his pills. (For the past few weeks even breakfast is the same everyday) clean the kitchen and sometimes the floor where he sits. Uses the bathroom and clean it again. Listens to…
I hope this isn't what it might be
One of our sons came up from Florida today. We had been sitting in the living room chatting for a while when my wife asked him where his mom and dad were. I want to think maybe she was trying to say something else, but that just came out instead. He handled it well, saying he didn't know exactly where they were now.
I am back(1)
Hi my friends, The last weeks, I continued to come and read some posts, and then read less and less. In fact it was because I was trying to live again a normal life. But, Alzheimer is still here, everyday. The last weeks it has been worse and worse (agitation, depression). I discovered they did some changes in the…
Symptoms of low blood sugar
I just wanted to post this because there was discussion on symptoms of low blood sugar, and my symptoms are not like described. My problem is low blood sugar, although it is pretty well controlled now. My first symptoms were double vision, and I had no idea what caused that. This happened several times when I was driving,…
MC placement is exhausting
We found a personal assistant who helps with MC placement making the process much easier, that being said this business has it all backward. Went to Several MC centers and finally found one we felt would be engaging and friendly plus a good reputation. Went thru all the hoops, turned over DW to new pallative Dr filled out…
Just a rant(2)
Just when things seemed to smooth out,the last couple days has gone progressively worse. This morning dw lost it, the cats got her upset then she got even madder cause she thinks I do everything. Ten seconds after feeding the cats she thinks I did it. I mean furniture throwing fist pounding gonna slash my wrist mad. I…
Squeaky wheel
I mentioned in other posts or comments that my wife's PCP and I have been trying for months to have my wife seen by a psychiatrist to better manage her meds. This healthcare system was repeatedly screwing up or denying the referrals that the PCP submitted. The PCP was as frustrated as I was and she filled internal…