How to get DW to take her meds?
My DW has been diagnosed with moderate dementia/Alzheimers. Each evening before bedtime, she does habitually take Donepezil (prescribed for MCI 3 yrs ago by our primary care doc). When we saw her neurologist 5 months ago, he added Memantine during the day. He thought it might help. But she has refused to even try this…
Biogen: When free is not free
When I read that Biogen was giving away free doses of its Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm, I thought that it was just an act of desperation. But there may be something more nefarious to this based on what it is doing with some of its multiple sclerosis drugs: Biogen Accused of Baiting Patients With Illegal Drug Co-Pays Biogen…
We Saw the Psychiatrist!
So yesterday DH had his first Psych appointment in 48 years! He was diagnosed with BiPolar2 when he was 24 (now 72) and started on Lithium and he has never gone back. Now with a dementia diagnosis and probable bvFTD the neuro wanted him to see the Psychiatrist to sort out what was what. He did not want to go and I was…
Covid boosters
DD#1 is my vaccine expert (Johns Hopkins PhD in microbiology and public health, now with FDA) She is 100% supportive of boosters for all dementia patients in facilities and any visitors over 65 She also reminded me to get my flu shot and I told her I did last week. Get the "high dose" if you can , From CDC Several flu…
A tip for caregivers who have highly agitated spouses at home
This morning was highly stressful, once again. Got my husband into the shower without any issues, got him dressed with no issues. Once he was in the kitchen he became highly agitated began cursing at me, spit on me while I was making his breakfast, clapped his hands at my face, didn't touch me because his perception is…
Scam supplements
Another email appeared in my mailbox today about a new miracle supplement that restores damaged brains, memory recovered! All natural, non GMO etc.etc. Is it just me? I feel an enormous visceral rage building in me when I read this crap. How can people plan and deliver an advertising campaign for a scam product that preys…
O.T. - Amazon
With the holiday sales coming up, you should read this link I'm providing. This article is about chromebooks, but it should give you information to consider even if you want something else. This type of advertising should be against the law. Buyer beware! Do your homework before you…
Taking cookies To loved Ones
for those of you that take loved ones cookies the following recipe is yummy And soooo easy. 1 box lemon cake mix 1 egg. 2 cups thawed cool whip mix in large bowl. 1/2 to 1 cup powdered sugar to roll cookies in. Combine ingredients, batter will be sticky, form dough into Tablespoonfuls and roll in powdered sugar. Bake for 8…
Just need to talk to my friends (155)
Hi, Had one heck of a time trying to get on the thread so thought I'd start a new section of this one. I don't know what in the world people are thinking! I watched a super-good football game this afternoon - Cleveland Browns at KC Chiefs. Arrowhead hold at least 75,000 people and it was filled to the brim. I watched…
Four years in memory care
It's now been 4 years since the woman who was my lovely, brilliant, loving wife went into memory care. She has not the slightest idea who I am, or anyone else for that matter. She is unsteady walking so she sits much of the time, often silent as if gibberish takes too much effort. She seems to enjoy the blueberries and…
VENT: noise, stress and poop
DH gets super needy in the afternoon now. He needs something else about every 5 minutes. He wants water, then a snack, then another snack, then a cigarette, then a soda, then the bathroom and then water and on and on and on. DH shuffles his feet as he paces around. I have misphonia, so the never ending noise, as minor as…
I just started reading this and so far it looks great.
I only got to page 39 since yesterday. https://www.alzint.org/u/World-Alzheimer-Report-2021.pdf
Cards stating your LO has Alz
Morning! I have not been on this site for several months. Can I purchase small business cards that state “Please be patient, my companion has Alzheimer’s” on this site? If yes, please direct me where or how to go about ordering. I read I can order them on Vistaprint. Thank you for all your help! Dottie
Virgil how are you?
It is in the subject. Thinking to you and wondering if everything is ok for you wife.
This might be venting
Well, it took a few years but I realize I need some breaks to this caregiving madness. That seems to be a rather common realization on this forum. If I'm not burnt out, I don't know what that is. So, I first looked for in-home help. There's nobody providing that kind of care where I live. Then I looked for adult daycare. I…
A note to Biogen
The Neurological Center in Washington D.C. has posted this message to Biogen representatives outside their door: In response to the growing controversy over the new BIOGEN Alzheimer's medication, Aduhelm, BIOGEN pharmaceutical representatives are no longer welcome in our offices. BIOGEN representatives should not enter or…
I've given up all expectations
DH's delusions and paranoia resurfaced over the weekend after taking a short hiatus. He said a man was looking into our living room window and tried to come in our front door on Saturday night. He ranted all day yesterday about how he's going to shoot these men and call the police, etc etc. He is angry at me because I…
I was thinking it wouldn't be holidays, but it is !
Tunisia wahou ! We arrived and he was taken in charge by a very Nice caregiver. She took his hand and conduct him everywhere. At the moment i am sunbathing after a Nice time in the swiming pool with him. I Just swim with him. She helped him to shower, to put his swiming suit on... i do nothing but resting. So i enjoyed…
Read the fine print
I have been trying to help my folks find a care community which has aging in place facilities...i.e. start at independent living, move to assisted living then on to memory care or skilled nursing care. In this area, most of the nicer places you have to enter at the independent living level and buy the apartment. We thought…
Funeral home advertisement
Dropped wife off at MCF
Well, the deed is done. We were met at the door and ushered in. We went right to the room, and I explained as best I could that I need an operation and that the nice people would take care of her while I was recuperating. She said “ok”, typical response when she doesn’t quite understand. The staff took her into the…
My favorite folks in the world
apathy about the future
I used to plan for the future. Saved money, watched my debts, took care of my stuff. With the loss of my wife's capacity my caring about the future has drained out of me. I have debts and I don't care. We have enough money to cover the cost of living, but not much more. I don't care. I bought a new car I probably can't…
Help! I’m Forgetting Too!
It’s been approx 6 months since my husband’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. It seems that I am forgetting too! Trying to remember all of his “stuff” (banking, paying his bills, doctor appointments, household chores, etc.), is overwhelming at times. But even when I’m not around him, I am forgetting things! I don’t have the best…
Antipsychotics Lead to Dementia; New Research Illuminates Why
Couples dealing with dementia/Alz in the Dallas-Ft Worth area
Are there any couples receiving this in the DFW area who would have an interest in actually meeting together (both spouses)?
Care for my DH while rehab for me a heart surgery?
I really don't know what to do. within 6 months I will be having a heart valve replacement and will need around the clock care for a few weeks. My problem is Im the sole care taker for my DH and he needs constant care. I just talked toa rehab center and asked if there were a short term complete care while Im rehabing. They…
Emotional Calculus
Meeting my DW's physical needs is easy. Laundry, cooking, bill paying all come naturally to me. So much of my own energy is spent on trying to include her; trying to keep her mood stable; trying to keep her "happy." It's time for me to start living again, beyond the confines of this disease (we're both 56). An in-home…
Dawn took care of it
I was considering getting rid of the nasty, dirty lazy boy recliner DH sits in because the cleaning agents I’ve used (including carpet cleaner) have proven unsatisfactory. I decided to try Dawn dishwashing soap and to my amazement, it worked beautifully. The chair looks almost new again. I guess if Dawn can clean up ducks…
Need suggestions for DH who is bored, lonely and angry
Hi everyone. My 54 year old DH who has dementia has been exhibiting significant frustration and sadness lately due to his isolation during the week. I still work full time and DH is home alone from appox 7:00 am - 4:30 pm every day. He sleeps in until about 10 am on most days but then has a long stretch with no interaction…