What Do You Do When They Want to Leave?
Every single day, my husband wants to leave and he wants to go back to the little western Kansas town where he was born and grew up. He's 82. It's all he'll talk about from daylight to dark, no matter how many subjects we try to distract him with. He doesn't believe that this is our house and insists we get in the car and…
The light was on for a minute....
She had a brief episode of clarity this afternoon after not recognizing two good friends on the phone. She,asked me if she was getting worse (yes), if other people knew ( oh yes), and whether this was a fatal disease. She cried, and said she was scared. We talked about living in the moment. I told her I would never…
Night Games
New experience and not every night. Anywhere from 2:30 to 4 AM, my DH wakes and reaches over to the night stand to put on his glasses. I wake, too, asking him to take them off as it's time to sleep. Last night was the worst. He said "No I won't". I told him it was time to sleep and he didn't need them. He said, "these are…
Funriture, MIL and dinner
I know, I know, I've read about it many times that it is best to not argue with your spouse who is suffering from this disease because you can never win, but every now and then my DH hits a trigger in me that pushes me too far. The other morning he informed me that he told his mother that she could have all of our living…
Affected Me More Than It shoud
This morning while I was on the phone my wife went to burn incense as she does every day. I looked up and she was walking out of the kitchen with several paper towels on fire.. As I hung up the phone I ask what she was doing. She said she didn't know. I then proceeded to put out the paper towels and again ask why. She did…
Respite- Gratitude & Guilt
Yesterday I departed on an 8 day respite break to visit friends in Florida. Today I find myself struggling with conflicting feeling about my trip. First, I am grateful to my stepdaughter who is staying with my DW while I’m gone, my regular caregiver whose working extra hours so my stepdaughter can go to work, to other…
New Brain Guide
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has recently launched BrainGuide, a first-of-its-kind platform that empowers people with knowledge and resources to take the best next steps in managing their own or a loved one’s brain health. With more than 60 percent of Alzheimer’s cases in people over 65 years old going unrecognized, there is an…
this is a first
We were in the family room watching tv. Our daughter called so I turned the tv down. After the call, I went into the kitchen. When I came back my husband was up looking for something. I asked what and he said football and the tv. He couldn't find the tv was looking behind the door and going out into the hall. I told him to…
First Excustion after Covid.
I took DW to the optometrist. It was sort of test run to see how she functioned. We are both fully vaccinated so she could go out no problem.Her hair is longer than it has been since 1975. She looked lovely. We had appointments and they were waiting for us. Told the optician she could not help but do his best. He adjusted…
Cant see caregiver forum
Each time I try to see Caregiver forum I get a notice about site maintenance, dated from October! Anyone else having an issue?
1st time using disposable undies for DH
Today is the first time that I dressed DH in disposable undies. In this case, it was the gray men's Depends I picked up several months ago. DH did not say a word about it, nor did I. I am guessing he is currently unaware of the switch. I think making the switch was harder on me than on him. Possibly because it is a real…
Today’s catch
Went couch fishing this morning and hauled in: Eight partially consumed Diet Coke bottles, two napkins, 6 crumpled paper towels, one Depends (unused, thank goodness), two dog toys, a bar of floral soap, Magnum ice cream wrapper with wooden stick, but NO COINS!
Medications that may be dangerous for dementia
Medications that can be dangerous for dementia
sensory toy
I'm ordering this sensory toy and thought some others might also find it useful. It's like popping bubble wrap, but you turn it over and do it again. Big discount on the price. https://home.woot.com/offers/marquee-innovations-2-pack-bubble-popper-toy?ref=w_cnt_sc_is_1_tl
New symptoms
My DH who has dementia just informed me that he has trouble with his balance when he gets up in the morning. Also having trouble shaving. He has a lot of the Parkinson’s symptoms but has never been diagnosed with it except the first neurologist whose we no longer go to. The two he’s seen have not said Parkinson’s. I’m not…
something for everyone(1)
This woman is new to me but then maybe I am the last to know. Anyway I do think that her presentation is so broad and understandable that you will find something helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilickabmjww
could it be a breakthrough????
I am currently half way through The Code Breakers by Walter Isaacson. . It is about DNA and RNA and gene editing. Its also about the science that has led to the vaccine being used to fight covid 19. It's a very interesting book and they have only mentioned Alzheimmers twice so far . Still if they can edit the genes maybe…
What’s worse?
I don’t journal and I don’t blog. Opportunities are limited to express what’s in my head. What I write here doesn’t really need a response, because I know you are here, you understand, and you care. DW and the dog are still asleep, although the dog has been up twice to relieve herself and eat breakfast. I’ve been up since…
Married 35 Years and Now One is Going to Memory Care
My 91-year-old father is having his 90-year-old, married 35 years, wife with significant moderate dementia move into a Memory Care facility next week. I am his 61-year-old son and have been caring for him (he has no dementia issues) and now significantly helping her (he was her caregiver). We have been planning for this…
Venting & Update
Background - I'm 53, DH is 57. Diagnosed over 5 years ago. Stage 6. I'm a teacher, we've been in person since the beginning of this school year. DH can't be home alone. I've figured a plan for someone to always be with him, but it requires me to rush home from school. I can't work with DH around, he doesn't leave me alone…
What do you say
My DW has congestive heart failure as well as mild VD and signs of ALZ. She's constantly saying she wants to go on vacation when she's better. I would love to go on a vacation, but she's not going to get better. I don't know what to tell her. If we were to go somewhere, with her heart issues, you never know from one day to…
Financial Aid & Care Resources for Long Term Senior Care
I was trying to find some help for Josey Wales, and I came upon this site that has links for all states. Hopefully it will be helpful to someone. It also has links to medicaid and non medicaid programs in all states, as well as other programs. You may not need to be a senior to receive benefits if the patient has a brain…
Dementia is......(fill in the blank)
I previously saw a topic on the board that was something like "Dementia is _______ (fill in the blank). I could not find it this morning to add the following thought. Dementia is: struggling to get the flushable items (urine and feces) in the toilet AND keeping the non-flushable items (you name it) out of the toilet.
Infidelity accusations(1)
My DH has AD and VD. Not sure if ES or MS. Would appreciate advice from SO who's experienced accusations by PWD of infidelity by their spouse caregiver. Have been able to react positively to other false beliefs but not this one. Denials are negative and trigger upset reactions because I'm either lying or don't believe him.…
Clueless in Seattle
I read many of the posts in several of these threads and I’m unsure how to proceed or even if I belong here. First my DW is suffering from dementia brought on by multiple TIA’s (mini strokes). They occurred in Nov of 2019 so we have only been on this roller coaster since then. I read many posts that I can relate to. Brief…
6 months since DW placed in Memory Care
Sept 27 I placed my beautiful DW of 41 years in MC. She has adjusted well, but then Covid clamped down, and i could only have window visits (in 3 degrees and snow) until she was fully vaccinated this month. Now I can take her out, have lunch, walk on the beach. She seems well adjusted, and appears to be calmer, less…
Do you know were I asked the question?
I know I asked someone if they are related to Kennedy somewhere but I don’t know where to go to see their answer on that thread. I so hate this site as it is so hard to find things.
Not diagnosed yet
LO changing over past year. Needs support with cooking, using the tv remote, unable to work her phone, can’t go to dr appointments alone and can no longer drive. I am managing these changes and take what bits of time I have to use a meditation app. At any rate, she declines to talk about this with her dr of thirty years. I…
fire safety in facilties
Horrible fire in New York with at least one patient and probably one fire fighter killed I wrote my law school dissertation on fire safety in mental hospitals and I started teaching fire safety regulation in 1975. This is beyond appalling I will put together a list of things to look for in any facility. DW is in a…
I feel lost
I haven't posted on here for quite awhile. When I first came on, I think it was 2018, everything was brand new. "Crushed" gave me the advice to get a lawyer before I did anything else. Luckily, I found a great elder care Attorney who told me about a local place called Memory Care. There I was able to have a doctor who…