Micropreemie help out the wazoo - Dementia help crickets
Sorry to inundate with my ridiculous questions. But I need to get this off my chest. I am the 68-year-old wife of a sweet, loving, devoted (I got lucky!) 79-year-old. Last fall, after taking a weekend trip away leaving my smart, capable, healthy husband at home I received a few texts from neighbors telling me he was…
Does a durable power of attorney override a dementia patients previous choice for full resuscitation. The PWD has subsequently indicated a desire not to have full resuscitation
Update - Sudden Decline In Ability To Walk
As I posted two months ago, my DW who is in MC rapidly lost her ability to walk. We tried getting a sample to check for a UTI but were unsuccessful. To complicate this decline an outbreak of norovirus raced through the facility about infecting residents (including DW) and staff shortly after she stopped walking. I was…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 4/9/24
GOOD FRUIT Galatians 5:22-23 New International Version “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” THINK ABOUT THIS: What fruit do you need the most help with? Why do you think this one is more difficult?…
You posted that you were unsure about your DH 's diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. What criteria was used to make the diagnosis? Exactly what are you unsure about? Did his MRI report "white matter hyperintensities"? If so, read about white matter brain disease, of which there are many diseases and conditions that result in…
55-year-old Early Onset: HOW do people pay for memory care?!?!
Hello, I am looking ahead to the impossible-to-predict future and feeling miserable. I'm so confused about some BIG questions. I understand that, as my husband's dementia progresses, we will make adjustments, try to keep him and other family members safe, and keep him at home as long as possible. I understand that SSDI…
FTD - FrontoTemporal Dementia Staging Tool (by Dr. Tam Cummings)
Just ran across this staging tool and thought it may be helpful for some dealing with FTD.
Need to exit the Roundabout
Thanks everyone for the shoulder. I’m still stuck but now in another country. I’m in the bathroom and he is the other room pacing and drinking beer. Why can’t I get it thru my thick head not to engage and how in the world do I stop myself. Maybe I need a good brow beating. We see the neurologist on Thursday but he refuses…
This is my first post here on the website. My husband was always a rather self Centered person, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in November. And now every single thing is about him, he still pretty functioning, he can drive. His memory is shot. He gets confused. He spends a lot of time talking out loud to himself, which…
Hi everyone, I'm new to the group. I'm the caregiver to my husband who was diagnosed 4 years ago with MCI. Since then we have seen a neurologist and he is now at early onset Alzheimers. I'm feeling overwhelmed with things at this point. I just need to know that things will be OK.
Incontinence Catheter (Corrected)
UPDATE: I read these helpful responses and realized I identified the wrong thing. The ad I saw is an external catheter - or a condom catheter, like this one: Has anyone had to resort to using a catheter? The heavy-duty briefs with booster pads work very well, but HWD has been unsuccessfully using the toilet and either pees…
CELA questions
I have been working with a lawyer on my estate documents, but I recently learned he is NOT a CELA. So my question for this group is: What questions do I need to ask a CELA? Thanks in advance to all who offer their advice. Tyrone
He wants to show EVERYONE the new driveway
We recently had a new concrete driveway put in about a month ago (which posed its own issues while it was happening but that's in the past!). So now when DH sees anyone walk by, whether we know them or not, he tells them to come over and he shows them the new driveway and the new grass we had to plant, etc. He has trouble…
My first visit to a care home
This feels like such a huge milestone I'm compelled to see if others felt the same? It's the first true tangible step I've taken towards the inevitable placement. I keep telling myself that this is just for (my first) respite (in 2.5 years) but I'm not really kidding myself since in all likelihood she would not return…
Helicopter Caregiver
Hi. Heard about Helicopter Parents? I have been a Helicopter Caregiver, and I am working to stop being one. It doesn't mean I don't care. It means that there are things I can't change, and if I try, it is bad for both of us. No amount of cajoling will get him to do the exercises that will help him. No amount of cajoling…
Services available to Veterans
Hello, Just wanted to mention that my husband is a vet with ALZ. He is receiving healthcare through the VA, and does not have a service connected disability. We live in a remote area, so he is under a program called Community Health Care, where the VA doc and staff come here once a month for office visits, and more often…
I cannot get DH out of bed lately.
it is noon and he refuses to get up. So frustrating as we have a case worker coming snd he has a doctor appt. I have tried to lure him with food etc He seems well otherwise - no fever etc . I appreciate any advice. Hebid stage 6
Friend recently diagnosed with Dementia
My best friend who is 65 was recently diagnosed with dementia and it has been a sad journey. It happened so fast. He is not able to have linear conversations and he is waiting for a nursing facility. Feeling a lot of despair. Looking for a support community.
The miserable middle stage
My husband has had Alzheimers for who knows how long. He began complaining about his memory in 2015, but the neurologist he was seeing annually as part of the nationwide Alzheimers Disease study (enrolled people who were healthy and those who were not) kept telling him his scores on the 3 hours of testing were still at the…
Thank you
55-year-old DH—early-onset Alzheimer’s
Hello! I’m new to this space. Haven’t found the courage to think deeply about ALL of this until now. My husband is 55 and was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. He’s still working (but I’m nervous that his employment may not last, based on his day-to-day functioning). We have three kids ages 21, 18, and 11.…
My poor wife
She's still recovering from the fall and now she has covid, not eating and is lethargic and fatigued. I've been down as well. Getting tested tomorrow. I just hope all of this doesn't hasten her demise or maybe I should but I can't do that. She's in bad shape and I don't want to see her go on like this but I can't hope she…
Memory care fears
I have had my stage 6 DH on waiting lists for two small residential memory care homes. I just got word that one of them is likely to have an opening in two months or so. Immediately my fears skyrocketed about whether my husband will think I have betrayed him when I have him move. He is cognizant in the moment but doesn't…
My DH came home from the hospital yesterday with a new issue -- incontinence. I'm very happy to have him home and just want to deal with this as well as possible. So my questions: What are the best incontinence products you've found? How do you deal with nighttime incontinence? My husband gets up 4-5 times a night to pee,…
Changes in behaviour
Hi, I have just joined AlzConnected and would appreciate any help on how to handle various behaviour in my DH. First is his reluctance to wear pyjamas at night, he wants to sleep in his day wear. It takes me half an hour to convince him that nice cool pyjamas are better to sleep in at night than jumpers and cords. The next…
Establishing a daily routine
I’ve been struggling with getting DH on a regular routine. He wakes up anywhere between 7:30 to 9:30, has his coffee, sits in pj’s watching TV till 12-1:00. He will then say he will get dressed but only changes his pants if at all. He has worn the same clothes to bed and all day for days on end. Tried waking him at a…
Mobility vs accelerating DH's decline?
This might be a bit long but wanting advice on what you would do in this situation. To recap my DH has not been formally diagnosed with alz but has short term memory issues, declining MMSE and neuropsych test scores, some brain atrophy on his MRI, and small vessel ischemic disease. This all started 10 years ago,…
Dealing with emotional reactions based on incorrect facts
Hi All - I'm reaching out to get some help dealing with what's becoming a more frequent occurrence with my LO. She has not been formally diagnosed with dementia but has been showing signs of short term memory loss for a few years now. Her doctor has been helping her by modifying medications, etc but it feels like we are…
Emory trial results have been posted
After being sent back twice by the FDA for corrections, the Emory Montelukast Alzheimer's clinical trial results have been posted and they are now much easier to find. Just go to the clinical trial site, click Results Posted, go to Outcome Measures, and check out 8) CSF Amyloid 9) CSF Tau and 11) NIH Toolbox. Emory…
Neuropsych testing
When your LO has received neuropsych testing, were you given a copy of the results? I was not told anything other than DH has mild cognitive impairment and this was reported to us by his primary care doctor. I somehow feel we are missing indepth information.