Sad and just need to talk with folks who understand
Our dear neighbor and friend died this morning. Hearing of her death made me so sad that DH asked what was wrong and I told him. But throughout the day he kept asking me "what's going on next door". He can't recall what happened but does have a glimmer that there is something not right. I am usually used to his repeated…
Touching base
It’s been several months since my last post, altho I’ve been reading regularly. I’ve spent those months getting my legal ducks in a row and just generally taking charge. My DH no longer drives and has (reluctantly) surrendered his license. We agreed to turn our 2nd vehicle over to our youngest, who has moved in with us for…
Too much drama
My DH has vascular dementia. He will "lock on" to something that bothers him and shake it to death like a dog with a toy. That is, he won't let it go. Today we had a blizzard. He can't shovel/snow blow because of a heart condition. He wants me to find someone to do this. I did find a service that has been quite good. But…
Our Journey is Over
My husband passed 1/5/2024. I would like to remember him as the handsome, charming man I met 5 years ago and maybe that will come with time. This horrible disease takes everything. Surprisingly it wasn't ALZ but Stage 4 metastatic lung cancer, very aggressive small cell. We had no idea he had it. The doctors said the…
Lethargic and a bit bitter....
I'm here, on Tuesday afternoon, and there's a howling wind outside and it's freezing cold. This may be contributing to the lethargy I'm experiencing. Last week, we met with the doc to discuss the results of DH's PETScan. It was inconclusive, noting mild diminished activity without a specific dementia pattern. DH has…
I’m Sorry
I want to apologize to all of you lovely people here on this site that gave me such good advice,but you absolutely scared the living crap out of me. Each time I would read the remarks I would sink deeper and deeper into uncertainty. I am slowly trying to “put my big girl pants on” and also I’m trying not to be the frog in…
Is it too soon for MC
I'm in over my head. My husband has beginnings of alzheimers, not sure what stage... no one has told me. But since his diagnosis he's had a seizure and mini stroke and his physical health has deteriorated drastically. I have to answer the same question multiple times each day, he mostly only sleeps but when he isn't…
Severe Agitation - Seeking guidance on what works
Just reaching out to this community which has become a tremendous blessing and lifeline as I navigate the unknown territory of dementia as caregiver to my HWD. He is 76 and was diagnosed 11 yrs ago. Progression was slow until he had back surgery 2 yrs ago and was under anesthesia for 5 hrs. He has never been the same…
Surgery tomorrow...I hope
I am scheduled to have surgery tomorrow morning on my right wrist and elbow. I have arranged for someone to be with DH while I am at the Surgery Center and for one of my sons to be here through the weekend. Another son and granddaughter will be here from Indiana Sunday night to spend the week. At least that's the plan. We…
M1 and Jo
M1, I think about you quite often, and I'm wondering about the latest concerning your recent physical problems. Jo is another, and I don't think she has posted in some time because I've read several posts, but I don't see anything from her. Does anyone know what's going on with her? Good thoughts and prayers for both.
Can you imagine how incredibly hard it would be to live with a PWD in a country going thru an invasion? It would be so hard to watch them and try to explain what is going on and we won’t even think about incontinence. Thruout it all them see so stoic and gracious and patient.
Memory care- when
I’m interested in what criteria you have used to determine that it is time for memory care placement? My original plan was to keep him to the end if possible. But know I just don’t know. I don’t know how long I can deal with walking on eggshells, the agitation, verbal abuse when I try to keep him out of trouble, driving…
Recognizing skill losses
My husband has been a master craftsman and woodworker for decades. These last few months he’s lost a great deal of his skills. Today he tried to get the square footage of our kitchen and couldn’t do it. It hit him hard. He’s still able to recognize that he can’t do something any longer. It’s so emasculating for him. I hate…
Working and caring for spouse with AD
Last February, I abruptly had to leave my job to care full Time for DH. I thought it would be six months to get him through cancer treatment and then place in memory care. Almost a year later, still caring for him full time at home but am trying to find a part time position. We do not have children yo help us out. Any…
I am caregiver for my husband, second time for me, late husband died from ALZ in 2000. My husband has notions that I am having affairs with different men, I am not, and he sees one on our church website services. I have this sorta under control but he think that just because I don't want to have sexual relations every…
DW very lethargic today
Last night about two am I took her to the bathroom, then cleaned and changed her. She was a bit wound up after and wouldn't go back to bed until she finally fell asleep on a recliner. It's now after 12p and she still hasn't moved. Somewhat incoherent, more so than usual, and seemingly lethargic. Another UTI perhaps or…
Take your party elsewhere redirect
We had a somewhat normal day under the circumstances. A few trip to take my spouse ‘home’. Ran a couple of errands, as we do to help the day go by. Pre-Dinner trip was to daughters farm, where she got to visit with daughter and granddaughter. Made two post-dinner trips. The last one after a quiet discussion in our bedroom…
Curious About Seroquel
My DH has been on Seroquel 50mg 2 weeks now and I’ve noticed he doesn’t get as agitated. He still has delusions, especially not recognizing me on & off during the day and all the way till bedtime. Has anyone had experience with this medication where the delusions totally disappear the longer you take it or am I hoping for…
Bitterness Toward Family
My wife has now been in memory care for about a month. She seems to be doing pretty well but is bitter toward me her husband and to a lesser extent our daughter. We've been married for 61 years but when I last saw her she said she hadn't seen me for twenty years and that I should stop playing games. It's gotten to the…
Post by glajha from the new caregivers group
glajha She/her/hers / Ella Member Posts: 1 New 3:16PM edited 3:22PM My husband is in the middle stages of Alzheimers. Is there one person, a doctor or someone else skilled specifically in care of Alzheimer's patients, who could help me map out daily caregiving and future caregiving? I try to use the internet for answers…
Calling my DH at MCF - heartbreaking
To recap: I had to immediately place my DH in MCF Dec 5th because of my devastating diagnosis of a rare aggressive form of breast cancer that I needed immediate aggressive treatment for. I have only been able to visit him once on Christmas Day due to my low immune system from chemo. I call him and we can't carry on a…
Take me Home
I know many of you hear this on a regular basis - my DH is fixated on this over the past few days more than usual. Usually I can just say "we are home" he goes and looks outside recognizes the house and comes back in. Not so much this morning. We are in MN and that was what it was all about this morning - having to "go…
Bad day - just a vent
Today started with the discovery of a mess in the bathroom. My poor husband had accident and tried to clean it up, gave up and got back in bed. I apparently slept through it. So, after I cleaned the bathroom, showered him, and stripped the bed, I had him calmly eating breakfast. His aide arrived and things were going…
Wife using excuse of not feeling well
My DW routinely uses the excuse that she is not feeling well to avoid leaving the house, following through on plans, or doing anything other than watching television. The “illnesses” are always something like a head cold (which she shows no symptoms of), or similar minor conditions. Obviously she is using the faux…
Hi All- Just found this site and wanting to learn. Wife was practicing Endocrinologist diagnosed in april 2023. Lost all income and moved to another state to be closer to family. She is only 57. We were not ready for this-- Financially or emotionally. Finally able to find a house so settling in, but just overwhelmed with…
Has anyone come up with why they HATE to bath ???
Why is showing or bathing such an issue with this illness. I’m not there yet but not looking forward to that scenario.
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 1/15/24
OUR HOPE IS GOD’S UNFAILING LOVE Psalm 147:5 New Living Translation 5 How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! 11 No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love. When the winds of sickness, stress, anger and fear are strong and…
Young wife won't get testing ever
My wife and I are 51-years-old. Our 29-year relationship went from perfect to impossible over the last 3 years. I suspect based on 9 of 10 signs that my wife has MCI or Alzheimer's but she says the examples are trivial and coincidental at best. Recently she has proclaimed that she will never get tested because it would not…
Glad to have found this space
My mom is a PWD and her situation is somewhat complicated by the fact she has osteoporosis. It has been a crazy roller coaster over the last 18 months or so. I lived about 400 miles away but visited twice a year and talked to Mom on the phone every week. She had been having a few noticeable memory issues but we just…
personal training
DW goes to personal training once a week. The PT is aware of DW's dementia. The PT is concerned with DW's range of motion, balance, flexibility, posture, not strength, and directs DW's exercising accordingly. The problem: DW comes home and complains bitterly that the PT doesn't make her work hard enough. She doesn't sweat,…