Suggestions for Sundowning and Agitation? Medications?
I am getting stressed out! DH has been Sun-downing for the past several months to the point where he gets into everything, gets agitated, will not sit down and when it comes to bed time he becomes angry. He had a brother, now passed away, who had this issue but his wife did not remember what medications the doctor put him…
Could my LO completely forget who we are within a week?
I'm new to the forum. Two days ago our family dropped my MIL off at memory care, at the door due to covid. We all felt horrible, as though we were abandoning her. She very bravely walked in with 2 kind employees. We were advised to not call for about a week so she could adjust. They said if she asked about us alot they…
Mom doesn't recognize Dad
Hi, My mom sundowns, getting increasingly confused and agitated at night (wants to go home, thinks other people are there, etc). The toughest issue is that she often does not recognize my dad. They live together in their house. My brother and I are out of state, and often get frightened calls from either or both of them. I…
Need help. I am new here.
Hi, So glad I found this website. There is so much to say so I will try to keep it short: - my mom has memory issues, I think they have gotten worse since COVID - we can't figure out how to get her to stop driving - she is driving without a license, she lost it - she also lost her credit cards. I believe all of these…
Mom likely has dementia but in denial; Dad paralyzed into inaction
I posted here just over a year ago, topic "Suspected demensia in Mom, but gets mean/angry if discussed; Lyme disease connection?". (Sorry, not sure how to do links in this forum.) The short version is: I'm 41, an only child, living about three hours from my parents. They are both 66 and retired. There is definitely…
New here - help with the mornings?
Hello, I am new to join this group and in need of some help. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at 62 years old and is now 68. The progression of the disease was very slow at first but it seems in the past few months she is rapidly deteriorating. The biggest issue we have is the mornings. Every morning she wakes up…
Letting LO help
Hello, My mother has Alzheimer’s + probably vascular dementia. She was in a memory care facility, but we brought her home to live with my dad because of COVID. Every day when I am there she asks me for things she can do to help me. I understands she wants to have a purpose. She helped me shovel snow earlier this week and…
Need Therapeutic Fib
I got my mom an appointment for a memory assessment at a geriatric clinic at a medical center not far away. I think she's at Stage 5. She's suffering night-time anxiety, delusions, hallucinations just for starters. A thorough assessment is the first step to get her geriatric psych help. The paranoia is the biggest deal and…
Coping with the grief of caregiving
An excellent webinar about understanding caregiver grief and how to cope with the sense of loss as a loved one’s disease progresses. It helped me gain some insight to my emotional state and I thought it is well worth sharing. There are other good resources at the Ontario Caregivers website. https://vimeo.com/421756670
Question about Old Posts
Hi all, I haven’t been on here in awhile period I have to write a timeline of my mum’s illness and I thought I would look back on my old posts here. I started posting in 2014 but it looks like posts only go back to 2019. anybody know anything about this?
Dad going downhill
My dad is now under the care of a neurologist (100 miles from where he lives) and will be going for a PET scan next week. A couple of weeks ago, this neurologist prescribed Paxil for his sleep problems plus his obsessive behaviors. The sleep has gotten much better. The obsessive behaviors I don’t see improvement yet. He…
Cell Phone Recs?
Hi! My grandmother and I are looking for a phone that her mother, who is her 90s, could possibly use. She has a habit of hiding things and then forgetting that she hid them, but has a good track record of keeping a landline on the base. The reason we need the phone is that she recently tested positive for Covid in her care…
Rapid progression- hospice
Well, for all the reading and trying to educate myself about this disease- I guess some things just don’t always follow the “usual path”. Mom was fully self functional and we had no idea she had any of this, then got a UTI in October that kicked off rapid progression and we were able to get her diagnosed with mixed…
Importance of checking credit reports at least annually
t’s been years since I last posted. Just completed 5 years without my sweetie. It’s been both fast and slow and yet I still feel like he is coming home for dinner every day. My lifesaving alzconnected e-village is never far from my thoughts. I refer many people and do check the posts occasionally. It is difficult to come…
Fearing the incontinence stage
I feel like a jerk saying this, but I'm really fearing the incontinence stage if/when my mother gets there. Right now, she can still manage her ADL quite well, but if she starts needing help toileting or starts having accidents (or needing help bathing), I don't know if I can handle it. I'm the secondary caregiver, my…
How to Have Friends Over Without Live-In Mom with ALZ??
The COVID restrictions have kept everyone at bay for the past year, so not having a social life became the norm. My mother-in-law lives with us and is 91 with moderate ALZ, which is fairly unrecognizable as she's in good physical health and isn't naturally social. We're in our 60's and a lot of our friends are from our…
For ButterflyWings
Hello ButterflyWings, I wanted to get back to you regarding this image you saw and let you know that I've searched through my old posts on the forums, and also contacted the moderators for assistant in searching my posts - none of us can find the image. The moderators let me know if they do find it they will take it down…
When a Parent Does Not Recognizes You
Hi everybody, It’s my first time posting here but I must do so because I am looking for caregivers who are going thru a similar situation and could help me get clarity on what I am going thru with my Mom. I have been home with her for almost a year due to Covid. We got Covid at the beginning of January this year. She also…
Prescribed Seroquel - Crying/Anger/Yelling Expletives
My mom was just prescribed Seroquel by her neurologist (she is in her late 50s with EO). This was after several weeks of crying every single day, increased anger and yelling out expletives. The other day it was almost 10 hours of crying, yelling, swearing, etc. She is uncooperative with everything. Weeps/yells when we take…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 1/27/21
A RIGHTEOUS PERSON=GREAT SERVICE TO THE LORD * Psalm 112 NIV “Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. 2 Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. 3 Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures…
This is my very first post and I am going to ramble........I am 49 years old and my Dad (will be 73 in March) was diagnosed about 2-3 years ago. I was an only child until I was 20 years old. My half sister and I are 20 years apart. My sister and I have never been close because of the age difference. She was raised during a…
Unsure what to do about phone/texting
Hi All! My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with dementia. My husband and I had to urge his mother to make the appointments to begin with, so it was a struggle to get him tested and have the diagnosis confirmed. She was resistant to getting him help and providing care for him and herself, so we took him in around…
Dealing with Family that just doesn't get it & criticizes
Brand new to this forum with so much to share to know that I'm not alone in with my experiences. What brought me here today was a blowout with a family member about me being too extreme & obsessive in the care for my mom. I'm sure everyone is different with their comfort level of how much care to give or not , but I'm…
How to talk to spouse caregiver about mom needing constant supervision?
Hello all! New to forum and I accidentally posted my question (and story) under someone else's topic - so I'm hoping by posting in more than one place I'll get some good advice. I am the daughter (one of four surviving siblings) of my mom with Alzheimers. My 70 year old dad is the sole caregiver of my mom, and they live in…
Wits End with Mom's delusion, etc.
Hello All, 1st of all, yes, my Mom (92) was checked for a UTI. And has been on antibiotics (correct ones per the urine culture for the past 4 days now. However, her delusions have seemed to become worse in over the past few days and most especially today. Every time the t.v. is on now she thinks they are talking to her and…
She calls and cries every day
We are at the stage where Mom calls multiple times every day crying. She knows she has issues with memory and confusion, but she thinks they are temporary. She cries because she’s not getting better. She cries because my Dad is still unhappy at their assisted living center. She cries because she thinks he is having trouble…
New to this board(4)
I am the sole caregiver to my husband, age 75. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2012 which seems like eons ago! I retired early to enjoy the ‘good years’ before Alzheimer’s took over. We moved from Minnesota to Arizona where we lived for 6 years. Life became very challenging for me because he didn’t want me to be out…
Loved one refuses to drink water
My LO refuses to drink water, is at 3a CKD, chronic diabetic, legs swelling profusely yet refuses and takes off her compression socks. Constant battle to remind her or put a glass of water in front of her to drink as it turns into an argument. Have been advised to give her drip drops or liquid IV however, LO will not drink…
Pay Phone Style phones? Dad is taking phones apart and nurses have taken phone access away
Hi all - just wondering if anyone might have recommendations for a phone that is not able to be easily taken apart/hidden by someone with dementia? My Dad just went into hospice and because he has been unplugging his phone's cord and wrapping it in different places/hiding etc. the nurses have said that it's easiest for him…
Still grieving diagnosis
My DH of 41 years was diagnosed in August, following the spinal tap. We are beginning a clinical trial at Emory and are going through the set-up stage. He has been, and still is, the dearest man you could imagine. I’m just now seeing more of the glazed look in response to a question, some directional confusion, and…