Adult diaper question
Hi all, this fall I read about adult diapers that absorbed better than most. For the life of me, I can't find the post where it was discussed. My DH is still continent, so it isn't a question for him, but for my 102 year old mother. She does not have Alzheimers and still lives on the farm alone, where I grew up. I live 600…
Update- Tasks and House Rules for home care aide
Belated thank you for the great tips you shared in response to my OP. https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147559192 I will keep these in my back pocket along with the official task list of approved services provided by the agency (they are paid by the Agency on Aging, or Age Options program that‘s…
Trying to remember to be normal
I hired some part-time farm help. As part of the discussion laying out expectations and duties, I had to explain to the person that I lived as a full-time caregiver to a person with dementia, and as such I have developed some habits that need explaining. "If I tell you water goes in the bucket, or don't let the horse out,…
Beachfan, Given our parallel journeys I just wanted to check in and see how you doing with the holidays approaching and how things are going for your husband. From my end, DW continues to do well living at the MC and I am starting to adjust to a new routine. I initially thought I would not decorate the house for Christmas…
Christmas gathering?
We had everything planned to have the whole family over for Christmas, because this might be the last year my wife will be able to enjoy it with family. I didn't have to do any of the planning because one of our daughters was taking care of that. But now comes that damned Omicron! Our family has some that don't believe in…
Depressing Realization
We are still early on in this horrific journey. Last night I realized that no day in the future will be better, today is as good as it gets and it’s all downhill from here. I’m terrified of the coming years. I’m already depressed and can’t imagine that this feeling will last for years and years and years.
Grieving stages on this rough road
I don’t mean to complain but I feel like I’m alone in our home, but he’s here with me. No longer am I able to have a meaningful conversation with him as he seems to gloss over my comments and either goes back to watching TV or makes a comment that is completely irrelevant . We used to discuss all topics but now if I don’t…
best-laid plans
After listening to the news all morning (probably a mistake in itself) my partner just panicked today about having anyone over this week. So: change of venue to my daughter's house, and we'll just leave her home. I don't know how else to handle it; I think even the thought of six adults and tow children is overwhelming to…
Coping with Christmas
I asked DW to marry me on Christmas Day 1972. She looked at me with shock and horror and then said Yes, I thinks so but don't tell anyone We were married in May 1975 but for many reasons we often missed anniversaries together but we never ever missed Christmas. It was our day. Our Christmas ran Sundown to Sundown from…
Grandx, Drina, grief, anger, fear, tender hearts
I was touched by Grandx's thread, "Grieving stages on this rough road." I'm especially moved tonight by Drina's reply where she shares about not wanting to attend a large gathering and her daughter's response of anger, accusing her of "wasting/not living life." Oh that hurts. I don't want to derail Grandx's topic, so I'm…
My 3rd anniversary on the forum
I am tremendously grateful for this forum. When I joined this forum in 2018. I was scared and naive and sad and confused. I didn't know the difference between a neuro surgeon and a neurologist. I didn't know dementia was an umbrella term. I didn't know what was in store for us on this unpredictable journey. At the time, we…
Need help(2)
My wife has dementia. Sometimes I feel like there’s no help. I’m stressed out. Currently trying to find some home health care at least twelve hours a week. Also looking into an Elder Law attorney. I’ve contacted one in Sarasota but how do I know he’s my best choice. Any advise or help will be greatly appreciated.
Constant Crying, Fear, Feeling Forlorn and Hopelessness
Good Morning, Over 2.5 years in to Sue's daily struggle, she and I have reached a daily impasse that feels endless and hopeless for both of us. She is inconsolable, not recognizing familiar objects or their functions. She is unable to empathize or understand when help is being given. In other words, she seems to feel that…
Help! I am so depressed
Wondered why i feel so tired, lack of ambition. I just sit and look at my ipad. Then i realized I am depressed! My husband has alzheimers and is becoming incontinate. Paranoid and hallucinates. December is a bad month because it would be my oldest daughter’s 50th birthday, but she died of cancer 25 yrs ago. Me middle…
How to explain why you are placing them in MC
In a previous thread I shared my dilemma of when would be the right time to place my wife in memory care, and got lots of good feedback. Now it's time and I've found a good place and started the necessary paperwork. So now my question is, how do I explain why I am leaving her at the facility? My wife is mostly cheerful and…
Possible hospice graduation
My DH has been on hospice since January 2020 and bedbound since 10/20. He has FTD and ALS. Two siblings near his age have died this past year from the same disease (gene). He can't move in bed and can't talk. The VA provides a CNA for 3 hours daily so that we can use a hoyer lift to move him into a recliner. DH's hospice…
Not religious but could not resist
Best caretaker nativity scene ever
Refusal to see a doctor
After waiting months for an appointment with a neurologist DH refuses to go. I have read other posts on how a situation like this is handled and I tried them all (the appointment is for me but you need to go to answer questions, and his cardiologist wanted him to see his partner, and offering to take him out to a nice…
Doctors statement on Aduhelm
Published: December 20, 2021 We call on the FDA to withdraw its marketing approval for Aduhelm (aducanumab) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. An accelerated withdrawal would mitigate some of the harm of its unwarranted accelerated approval for these reasons: * Aduhelm failed to demonstrate the prespecified…
we're in the movies
DH and I were watching a Christmas movie last night. Halfway through he got all excited and said we are in the movie. He saw himself, me and other members of the family. Even the commercials had us. I asked him if they were people that looked like us and he said no it was us. He was happy to see us in the movie and was…
I found the TV remote in his glass of water
Of course it is not the end of the world. Its just one of many of the minor annoyances that are sprinkled into the long, miserable Alzheimer's journey. dang it. This disease is heartbreaking, soul sucking and relentless in creating yet another problem to solve.
I need to place DH
My husband had been showing mild symptoms of dementia for years. In 2019 it started to be noticeable to friends and by last year I knew that it was more than mild dementia. I finally was able to make an appointment for him with a gerontologist. In February he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and aphasia dementia. I had a lot…
For Lane
Needed your help. I believe I made another discovery on helping people with sundowning and sleeping. I need someone tough like you to ask the right questions and to put it in writing so I can get this published. Please let me know if you will help me with this. We will need to do this by phone and it will need to be…
Lift chairs and/or recliners
If your loved one uses either, what are the pros and cons?
Early Stage - any advice?
This is my first post. My DH was just diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's. He began to have noticeable memory issues in 2020 which became progressively worse during 2021. It took us a long time to have an appointment for an evaluation. We have an appointment in January to see if he possibly has some of the other…
Does anyone have experience with “Town Square”?
A Town Square adult day care facility is opening in our area. I was wondering if anyone has any loved one attending this program. My DH attends a not for profit adult day program and is extremely unhappy with it. I’m hoping this will be better.
cell phone
My DW would like a cell phone for Christmas as the grandchildren tell her "grandma, you need to have a cell phone" My DW believes that if she has a cell then her family and friends will call her. We have a landline and several extensions but most of the calls are from telemarketers. The do not call her. My concern is that…
He is pacing, l’m going crazy
Bad night, he waked me up at 3 am. He asked to go to bathroom then he was unable to enter the bed… when it was finished, I couldn’t sleep. That's every other night. Today is Saturday I wanted to do a nap. All this time I heard him pacing in the closest room. Unfortunately the 120 years old wooden floor creaks. I got up and…
Heading towards the end of this disease
My 63 year old husband has been bedridden for the past 13 days. He is under hospice care at our home. We are keeping him as comfortable as possible. It's very, very sad to see him this way. I could see this stage coming for a few months. He would want to go to bed earlier and lay in bed longer. He took a shower every day…