Found what where!?
We’ve had similar threads before, but I was reminded this week by a few discoveries: I found a bar of soap inside the flour sifter in a kitchen cupboard. I found a very expensive gold bangle bracelet inside a stone retaining wall in the front yard. I found half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the bed, on my side!…
Compassionate Caregiving Visitation Rights
Hi All, I think everyone needs to contact the Department of Health in your state and demand that compassionate caregiving visitation rights be honored regardless of any hospital, nursing home, or rehab facility. I'll keep this short. My DH was taken to the hospital for a possible stroke when he suddenly was unable to…
Making the move to MC
After months of guilt frustration fear and reality checks. The date has been set the siblings have been notified we managed to survive a family reunion. I tried to back out twice then today I had to lock the back gate and garage while I was mowing the back yard. Then looked up to see my conservative shy DW come out in…
Mad at myself
I am very new here. My husband gets very confused lately and I think he is starting to get paranoid. He was diagnosed about 1.5 years ago but for me I think he has had Alzheimers for about 5 years but just progressed to where I really noticed it. I think its progressing faster than I thought. I find myself losing it and…
Panic attack
All day long my heart has been racing and I feel like a disaster is coming. I thought some help would be coming today so I could take a break - apparently not. I don't drink, but I've poured myself something so I can calm myself down. Be prepared - I'm about to whine. With my wine. DH can no longer sit on the toilet…
Caring and Controlling....There is a Difference
Since my wife was diagnosed with Alz there have been many changes, both with her and with myself. My wife has lost the ability to do the simplest of thing and sometimes even walking can be a problem especially out in public. Here's what I'm getting at. There's a big difference in Caring and Controlling. In my attempt to…
Who writes at 5 am?
Just joined this forum and have a problem I need help with as have been awake for hours.My DH has been in MC for a few months. When I visit him all he wants is either for me to stay/live there with him or for me to take him out of there. He challenges me with endless questions from the moment I arrive until the time I can…
Just joined first post Meanness
My DH was diagnosed in Feb of this year with Alzheimer's. I had been concerned about his memory for the past couple of years. My grandmother had it and my aunt also had it so it is not a foreign concept to me. I did lots of research on the stages, what to expect, etc. We had already done our wills and directives three…
Composition of the care team?
I'm looking for advice on the appropriate composition of a care team for my wife, who at age 70 is in the early stages of dementia. A year and a half ago (in another city), a geriatrician send her for blood tests (after which my wife started taking B12) and an MRI (to rule out physical causes for the memory loss). In a new…
Very new at this
My husband (61 years old) was diagnosed with stage 3 Alzheimer’s. I am not sure what that means. I have read symptoms, etc. I just don’t know what to expect. I have never had to be a care giver. Does anyone know what stage 3 means? What happens next? He knows me, his worst symptom is speech. Thank you for any help.
Cell Phone Use
Hello All - I haven't been on here much lately. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Alz in 2016, and the progression of his disease has been slow. He remains relatively functional in many ways, though his memory is very impaired. Recently we've started having a rash of unexplained charges on our credit card and…
@ NancyTS
I hope you are safe from Hurricane Ida. My home and LO’s are all in harms way at this point. I live in Louisiana in Terrebonne parish. Please let us know how you make out. Wishing you the best!
Conditions That Mimic Dementia
- Infections including UTIs - Medications including but not restricted to: antihistamines, antibiotics, BP meds, sedatives, cardiovascular meds, asthma meds, corticosteroids, pain pills, antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, herbals and supplements, many OTC meds and more. (Never stop meds without MD input and guidance.) -…
OT Henri is aimed right for us
Latest Hurricane Center tracking has Henri taking aim at Long Island and Connecticut. I’m 8 miles inland in CT, so storm surge isn’t an issue, but wind and rain will likely take out the power. Our ground is already wet and leaves are still on the trees so they are very vulnerable. I have several trees that could hit the…
Need a little input, please
My wife is sometimes fecal incontinent, but the majority of times, she isn't. If she goes into the bathroom for a BM, chances are that if I'm not in there, I will have some cleanup to do. Sometimes not too bad, other times not too good. She can't use TP without getting it on her hands. But she wants her privacy, which I…
Uh oh
Spoke too soon? In a comment on another post, I noted that DW has been at stage 6d for an extended period of time. Today was not a good day. Began with bowel incontinence. Big clean up in aisle seven needed. Later, DW couldn’t/didn’t distinguish between a kitchen chair and the toilet when she needed to go….opted for the…
Virgil, thinking about you tonight and tomorrow
Please let us know how it goes. Pulling for you.
When help isn’t help
I didn’t know how to construct a title for this problem but it is related to another post about people who may mean well but make things worse with their words, or their efforts to be helpful. Specifically, my husband’s AD symptoms are worsening in many ways. His anger, incontinence, balance, gait, appetite, sleepiness,…
Just need to talk to my friends (153)
Hi, Thought I'd go ahead and start 153 tonight since it is getting hard to get on and we're losing things. Jo - I think Sara's the expert on face masks. I don't know much of anything about them. Like you I know Amazon has a lot of them and I've been looking at them today - just getting confused. I have a set of ten that…
Neighbor issues
A little over a week ago my DH came in from being outside and told me the woman who lives across the street from us aproached him and was pointing her finger at him saying, "You work for me." He assumed she was refering to the time when he was president of our neighborhood association and he would do things for the…
end of life directive vs. care
During end of life stage dementia in care facility, when patient doesn't eat much and needs help drinking fluid, not enough fluid intake is presumed to have caused kidney stone(s) which are painful to pass, blood in urine, and UTI. End of Life directive wants no measures taken to extend his life. Courses of antibiotics…
Lion's Mane Mushrooms
Just learned about these. The documentary referred to clinical trials. Does anyone have experience using these mushrooms (or extract) for EO ALZ? Is there a place to look up clinical trial results? Or is this just another snake oil promoted to separate us from money we don't have?
Aricept (try it or not)
Got the official diagnosis today for DW... EO (age 60) ALZ. However we've been progressing for at least 5 years - things are moving much more quickly now. I'm grateful that Zoloft was prescribed. Mood improvement would be a godsend. She gave up driving without protest or emotion - shocker! (Told me Sunday that she wanted…
Scooting to the bathroom & fear of stage 7 & anxiety
DH and I still sleep in the same bed. From his side of the bed, the toilet is a straight shot of about 10 feet. DH gets up several times during the night to go to the bathroom. I get up to help him especially when it comes to sitting properly on the toilet seat. Last night, he woke up and said he needed to go to the…
Delta, Dementia and the Elderly
Maintaining some personal space
I'm wondering if anyone else has dealt with this. We have separate bedrooms because we're both light sleepers. One of the few things my partner still likes to do is clean, but I can't keep her out of my personal things in my bedroom. Neither of the doors has a lock, and I think she would not take kindly to that, but she'll…
New symptom....did not identify self in picture
My folks have a digital frame and the family has put lots of pictures on it. My dad, who has dementia, really enjoys the pics. Today he asked me if I knew who that was in the picture. It was of him and my mother at their 75th wedding anniversary party. I told him that was him and my mother. He said no that was his brother…
Carbonation and caffeine
The urologist DH goes to said to eliminate all carbonated drinks and caffeinated beverages and foods ( chocolate) from his diet as they stimulate urinary incontinence. Just thought we all could benefit from knowing this.
Good news today
Today during my lunch time I had a call to prepare the respite stay in Tunisia (from September 23 to October 22). I prepare it as holidays and also present it to my partner as holidays. Just after that I had a call of one MC we visited and liked because of its size (14 residents) and architecture (you can see outside from…
Nothing Could Prepare Me for Watching My Wife Slip Away
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/24/opinion/tom-coughlin-wife-psp.html By Tom Coughlin Mr. Coughlin, a two-time Super Bowl-winning head coach, led the New York Giants, Jacksonville Jaguars and Boston College Eagles. From the article: I’ve learned firsthand caregiving is all-consuming. It is mentally and physically…