SS Disability
Can anyone enlighten me on applying for Disability benefits for my DW. She is 60, unable to work but has many years of employment in her past. The nueropshyc doc delivered a 13 page report with test results indicating dementia consistent with early onset ALZ but FTD is not ruled out. Appt with the Neurologist is the 24th…
Breaking all the relationship rules
Being a couple took a lot of work. We made it through some rough spots and grew up together, and one of the good things we did was set some basic rules. Basic rule #1 is don't lie to each other, #2 was don't talk about each other to 3rd parties. These agreements got us through, and really helped make us a solid couple. I…
Update on Peewee and me.
I have had a lot going on. Daniel the man who has been helping me with Peewee, He has stage 4 colon cancer. Now Peewee and I take care of Daniel. My brother had a massive heart attack. My mother went to the ER twice in the same week.I can't deal with all the stress I am under so I have decided to Retire and stay home with…
Parkinson's Drug Tied to Increased Hospitalizations, Death
Leave me if you need to
Things seem to have taken a definite downturn around here, and my partner seems to know it. She told me yesterday she didn't think she'd make it another year, and today she wanted to go over her will and final arrangements. She asked me if I needed help (!), said she wanted to sell her car (!!), would accept household help…
DH is on Aricept and Namenda since 2018. He started Seroquel last year around this time. My question is, I really don’t think the Aricept and Namenda seem to be doing anything. The Seroquel still seems to be helping, although he may need a different dosage. My DH is in the moderate to late moderate stage He was diagnosed…
Overfeeding the animals
This is something I can't seem to stop. My animal lover partner still takes great pleasure in our one dog, three cats (one indoor, two outdoor), and range of ducks and chickens. Fortunately she lets me take care of feeding the dog. But she still considers it her responsibility to feed the cats, and even though I have…
What does Hospice look like?
Ok folks , we have been on hospice a week now and I guess I had a little fantasy of what it would be like . It would be like the cavalry coming over the hill in the old western. My problems would be over and Peace would come to the valley. We qualified for Hospice because DH spent four days in bed without moving his upper…
24/7 supervision
My lawn needed to be mown badly, so I mowed it badly! While i was charging around the yard on the tractor, DW was getting into to raspberry preserves with a spoon. Preserves all over her clean blouse and the couch. I am changing DW’s clothes twice a day from incontinence or food stains. I can’t keep up with her movement…
What a joke!
I went to the grocery store this morning. It's the only one that is close by. They put a big sign on the doors where you walk in. It said something like "If you are not fully vaccinated, a mask is required". Of course nobody asked for proof of vaccination. I wore a mask (and I am fully vaccinated), but I felt as if the…
Beautiful, but sad.
“When Memories Fade” by Jane Southwick Cool, arranged by Eric Nelson. On YouTube, sorry, I don’t know how to provide a link. If you’re needing a good, cathartic cry, give this beautiful “hymn”-like song a listen. * Look for the “mix” version, lyrics are printed out.
Vaccines: I cut off my nose to spite my face!
I know there are already numerous discussions on vaccines. I'll add my story: My DH is bedbound, is non-verbal, has ALS and is in late-late-late stage dementia. He is a veteran and receives (thank goodness) 21 hours of respite service each week. There was a time when one of DH's regular CNAs left and another time in which…
Just need to talk to my friends (152)
Hi, It's August 1st- time for a new segment of our thread. Wanted to start this so Sara's early morning post would be on it.
My DW passed at 10:33 on the 7th of February this year I lost her to Lewy Bodies. It seems like yesterday that I was holding her hand and telling her I love her. I am thankful I had the strength to care for her it was not an easy road and I don't fault anyone that cant. I was fortunate enough to have daughters that…
Knock on wood
My husband has been almost like his old self. We haven’t had any Argie bargy since I have taken to shutting the A/C at night. It has been warm but I will take peace any day over strife.He thanks me now for making his dinner and anything else I do for him. It could be due to the fact I had to go for various medical…
Buspar in place of Zoloft
My DH just returned from neurology appt. We discussed how the 75mg of Zoloft he has been on for 2 years doesn't help his anxiety and agitation. They are tampering him off Zoloft and prescribing a low dose of Buspar 2x daily. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
concerned for Scotty Tom
Just in case Scotty Tom, like me, reads this board without posting (only because things are too indescribably bad), I just hope things might have improved for him. Without wanting to pry, or further breach his privacy, I just wanted him to know I've been genuinely concerned for him for months and sending (agnostic) prayers…
Husband inappropriate looks at daughter
Although I have been reading your posts for years I just joined. Thank you for the help and advice. My husband is 78, I am 64, we have been married for 35 years. We have a 27 yr old daughter living 1 1/2 hours away, who visits every other weekend. My husband has two married daughters living 2000 miles away. My DH was…
Pending Federal Nursing Home Overhaul Bill
The sweetest of gestures
So, I am the one holding down the fort for these 11 years now.My DH suffered a near fatal viral infection that entered his brain and caused encephalitis which has lead us down a very long and at times seemingly endless road of ups and downs and setbacks and uncertain diagnosis of just what is it he has been left with such…
Virgil and All: Great Detailed Infor On Admitting to NH and Thereafter
Hello Virgil, here it is: it is the most complete and detailed information I have ever seen regarding so much one may experience at the time of and long after NH admission; an excellent support guide and takes away much confusion and mystery: http://www.illinoiscares.org/book/chapter01 This book was put together by a group…
discussion on Delta variant
Had a long talk with DD#1 (She has a PhD from Johns Hopkins in molecular biology and is in the FDA in a division adjacent to the covid folks. While company stuff and regulatory decisions are totally secret general discussion of science is very open. I'll put this way I have 3 young school age grandchildren and they wear…
Administering medication
how should I respond to my wife when she demands her prescribed medications that I have just given her.nothing that I have done works. There is no changing the subject with her. Redirecting do not work. I have tried giving her a vitimine istead, but she reconise it as not being the medicine . She gets very angry and…
Who Will Take Care of America's Caregivers?
Michelle Cottle in today's New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/12/opinion/caretakers-elderly-home-health-aides.html ElaineD
Army Vet(1)
It’s a comfort to read your recent replies to our post. I hope you are doing well or at least, okay. Just so you know, you are thought of often.
Neurologist appointment, cancel or go?
My LO has not walked more that twice in the past two weeks. She is sleeping more and more. Eating less. We have hospice on board and are interviewing agencies for full time care. We do not think she is near death. LO is clean and comfortable. I see no point in taking her to this appointment at this stage. We'd probably…
Grateful for the kindness of a stranger
Today was a stressful day. I put our car in the shop this morning. I expected we'd have a telehealth appointment afterwards. The appointment was cancelled by the doctor's office, although I was not informed. The big stressor was a dental appointment for both me and DH in the next county. Neither of us had been to the…
I have more patience with DH (EOAD), than I have with my Mom (MC!)
My Husband has EOAD. My Mom has MCI. I have noticed that I have more patience with my DH than my Mom. When it comes to my Mom, I do so many things that I purposefully avoid with DH. For example: * I attempt to reason and use logic with my Mom. * I am more like to be inpatient with my Mom * I am more likely to raise my…
classes on line
please tell me if this works better https://www.communityresourcefinder.org/ResourceView/Index?id=2290930&profileDefinitionId=93 https://www.communityresourcefinder.org/ResourceView/Index? id=2265658&profileDefinitionId=93 list for Sept; https://www.alz.org/media/oregon/documents/2021-September-Webinar-Listings-OCP_1.pdf
How do you not take it personally?
The roommate that I'm now with is not the one I fell in love with and married 40 years ago. Kindness, caring, passion, planning, and creativity have been replaced with anger, suspicion, depression, passive aggressiveness, and demanding. It is killing me. I'm 5 years into this journey but the sudden changes in the last 8…