Hello Hoot, we have not heard from you in awhile, so here we are calling out to see how you are doing. I do see by the news that the UP is in snow and more snow; those pasties you bought must be coming in handy. If you have a minute and are up to it, let us know how you are doing, we are thinking of you. J.
UTI info
Another Month...Another Arm Measurement
On the day my husband was admitted into hospice care, the nurse measured his arm at 39 cm. Yesterday, was a month, and she measured again. (He can't be weighed since he is immobile and now bedridden.) Yesterday, it was 36.5 centimeters. Another significant drop in a month. Before he had dropped 2.5 cm. in two months. I was…
won't sit down
As the Dovells sang in the mid 60's, "you can't sit down" my beloved is having a sitting problem. She's in long term care and pretty much lives in a wheelchair. She can stand with encouragement using a wall mounted bar for safety, but you almost have to use a technique borrowed from the NFL and "chop block" her to get her…
trying to understand ...
I know this disease affects people differently and at different rates. When DH was hospitalized after fracturing his vertebrae in October, he seemed “not so bad” and pretty alert. However I have noticed a significant change in his short term memory over the past two weeks. When talking about thanksgiving dinner ( our…
any thoughts on a Pet scan
I took Peewee to his Cancer Doctor and the doctor wants to do a Pet scan on the 14th of December. We go back on the 20th for the results. To find out what stage and what kind of cancer he has. I will update when I find out more.
The small things at MC.
Does the staff help with the small things like flossing, brushing teeth, hair, washing hands. Pouring a cup of coffee, helping to find the bathroom in the middle of the night? My DW can't find the bathrooms in the house we have lived in for 20 years.
Poop on the couch and 911
I'm working two days a week at a middle school IGS program which handles the lowest end of the spectrum of special ed kids. All are non verbal and most are still in diapers. The class room has a couch for the kids to lay down on if needed and one day one of the boys took off his diaper and pooped all over the couch. We…
Needing advice to get a diagnosis
My DW has been showing signs of MCI over the last year or so. I'm in that stage where I pick up the slack for little things here and there and sudddenly realize how much things have changed over the last few years. She's unable to do many things she used to do such as cooking a full meal, paying bills, using her smartphone…
Two patients die in clinical trial
An 65 year old woman and an 80 year old man, both who were participating in the Biogen sponsored clinical trial for the drug lecanemab, have died. This is another one of the drugs designed to remove amyloid-beta from the brain. Both patients were shown to have widespread cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). The woman…
Covid again!
There is covid again in the mc the other day there was 1 case today there is 4. Masks are mandatory and have been, argh. So far my dw is clear. They are trying to keep residents in their rooms, worse than herding cats.
Ed, last year this time you posted about a Hulu special for 99 cents a month. I signed on, but did not begin to watch until this month because I am not a tv-watcher. Nevertheless I binge-watched two tv series. There is not much that I want to see on Hulu, but there are a few movies or documentaries I could look at. I…
That Darned Camera
Venting here. Hubs has a large expensive camera kept in a red case. He constantly misplaces it and sometimes has a near fit when it can't be found. I hate that camera, although I engage with him in a wide search for the darn* thing. It seems that this camera in its red case is sometimes the center of existence.
National strategy for caregiver support
I just now found this, and haven't really read much about it. But today is the last day you can leave comments. https://acl.gov/CaregiverStrategy
Having a tough week
We recently moved from Houston to NC so that I could be closer to my family. I knew the move would be difficult for him, but things are much worse than expected. He seemed to be adjusting to the new apartment and then he fell while walking to the bathroom. He broke several ribs, has a black eye, and needed stiches. He was…
Stepadults Divorce
Hello friends. I had posted here awhile ago about a divorce pushed by my adult stepchildren who felt they should have a greater inheritance from their father. They always talked about and needed money!!! The stepson got POA and my husband repeatedly told attorneys he wanted him removed, he did not want him to control his…
Spiral downward after trip
We just got home from a 2 week trip to see kids and grandkids. Our flight home yesterday was canceled and we ended up on a red eye last night. The trip was taxing for my DW but the overnight flight was brutal for her. Needless to say today has been a bad day. Will she recover with rest or do these type ordeals never truly…
DW Refuses My Help
I am the primary care giver for my DW. Behavior changes began recently where my wife no longer lets me help her. She wants her sister or another female to help her change clothes and help her in the bathroom. She uses a Rivastigmine transdermal patch and she will no longer allow me to put it on her. She goes into the…
Where to start when your husband is in denial of needing help?
Are there any web based seminars that we can watch about the next steps? Are there any classes on line that can help the keep my husband mentally stimulated?
Just for a laugh(1)
Any of your spouses / partners on memantine? How long and have you noticed significant behavior improvement?
Neurologist reports no significant findings, FLAIR signal abnormalities
Not surprisingly, my DH’s EEG and MRIs did not result in a diagnosis, except for “normal age related brain shrinkage” (really is brain shrinkage considered normal??). We weren’t surprised as his symptoms are subtle and intermittent. At least now we have a baseline if there is progression. On reading the report, there is…
how to handle losing a pet
2 weeks ago, we had to say goodbye to our 12 year old lab/mastiff. We still have 1 dog, a sweet pittie mix. DH worships all animals, much more so than humans! Since the passing of Dia, there has been an increase in his confusion, and a lot of crying. He is confused about Franco, the dog we still have, and continually asks…
Some Hospices will Grant Extension Periods
I feel I am fortunate that my DW has been receiving excellent palliative care in her Memory Care facility. She has been in MC for over 4 years and is in early Stage 7. MC administrator advised me 10 months ago that DW was “probably eligible” for Hospice admission because of a rather dramatic weight loss, periodic…
A must see video on dementia caregiving
How To Convince Someone With Dementia They Need Help
Where To Get Alzheimer’s Blood Tests: A 2022 Update
First time out
Today was the first time I went out, other than to the mcf, I had scheduled a short trip 140mile one way to visit my Brother and wife who flew in from Ma to their sons house in GA. I guess it is a milestone for me because I didn't feel guilty about doing it. I did visit later in the day with dw. They said she did good,but…
What can you do for yourself that has nothing to do with caregiving?
I understand that it is hard to find time yo do things for yourself, but if you can find time, do something that you enjoy. Since my wife passed, I have the time to do what I want. I used to do photo restoration (just for myself) with Photoshop. I no longer have Photoshop, but I downloaded Gimp, an alternative which is…
Selling DH’s car advice
I know very little about cars. I have to sell DH’s car and I will use money toward MC. It’s a 2016 Kia rio with low miles but body a little banged up in a few places. Should I pour money into it to fix up or sell as is?
Repeated Questions and Fixations (Eeeek!!!!!)
I have not posted here for over 2 ½ years. I was stressed to a point where I started to bury my head in the sand and avoid all things Alzheimer’s. I wish I had stayed connected here, because I have learned so much from everyone else’s experiences. DH was cruising along with very slow progression until recently. He seems to…