Choosing “my battles”
I’m realizing more and more that I need to accept the things I cannot change. With that being said I am waving the white flag to a few things that only seem to be an issue to me. So now I am working on not getting upset when DH sleeps till 9:30/10:00. Then sits around in his pjs until 1:00. He tells me it’s too cold to go…
I'm new here(7)
Hi Everyone. Here's my story. My DH was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about 5 years ago. We are in the late middle stages. He also has a bunch of comorbidities, including insulin dependent diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension and all the others that go with them. I am his soul caregiver and have been for ever it seems. He…
Nothing but a good thread
Tell me one thing good that has happened with or without your LO lately. It doesn't have to be earth shattering, just something positive. Friday evening, I went to see a high school BB game. One of our g-grandsons is on the team. They lost, but I got to sit in the bleachers with family and friends. I had to force myself to…
Peewee has started eating.
For months now I have been trying to get Peewee to eat. He refused all food except a bite or two, but drinks all the Yahoo drinks he can stand. Since he was in the hospital and came home he has been telling me what he wants to eat, he can't always tell me the name of the food he wants but he can describe it to me. for…
Caegivers that ask for advice
I'm still on here quite a bit even though my wife has passed on. What bothers me is ones' who ask for advice in life threatening situations and are given it and than we never hear from them again. LO getting violent and putting Caregivers' in danger. All I can do is keep them in my prayers. We are a big caring family here…
How my husband escaped
Thank you all so much. I’ve learned a lot from this forum. And it helped to have the shared experience. Now it’s my turn to share. In 2015 my husband started having trouble with his executive function His father had dementia and so I knew it was the beginning of the end. A few years later we moved to a senior community…
Dealing With Adult Day Care Refusal
I am working on a solution to help DH have a better quality of daily life while its still possible. He sleeps at least 10-12 hours per night, gets up to take his medication and assist with caring for the dogs, then goes back to bed. Some days he does not get up until mid to late afternoon, then he's still able to sleep all…
Rough couple of weeks
My wife has been on a pretty effective med cocktail for about 3 months. That is about how long they usually last before her brain figures a way around them and returns to some of the behavior that got them prescribed. Hallucinations, agitation, confusion, depression, anger. all abated with meds slowly creep their way back…
Finally Saw New Neurologist
Hello all: I had posted a few weeks ago about firing my DH neurologist and the issues I was having about my husband's care. We finally saw the new doctor, so far it is like night and day. The doctor spent 45 minutes with us and has determined that the symptoms that my husband is experiencing are not the type of symptoms of…
Stuck (in the middle)
Just thinking about you this morning and realized no posts in a while. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Another crisis
I am ready, I have looked at homes and have narrowed the choices down to five.I know it is time, my husband will no longer allow me to give him a shower or wash him at the sink. I am allowed to clean his backside after he has left me a turd in the sink. His words now are jumbled and he asks for things and I don’t…
Can a person tell you they have alzheimer's, and still have anosognosia?
I posted this on the caregiver's forum, but I know not everybody keeps up with that. Gothic Gremlin had a thread that made me think about that. Here's what I came up with. This is interesting. Can a person tell you they have alzheimer's, and still have anosognosia? I think the answer comes down to if they understand they…
Compromised and Covid
We have a storage unit that's inside a building where we store our holiday decorations. Think three trees, (one just Star Trek ornaments) garland and enough to decorate every room in the house. There were pictures, mirrors, some furniture and old computers and printers. So on 11-29 I got an email from the storage units…
Life after covid in a mcf
My dw is one of 2 who didn't get covid. Today they cleared it to let everyone out of their rooms. Talk about joy. My dw interacted with another lady. My dw was worried about her, they hugged and shared. It made my heart full to see this interaction. All the residents are aware they have been in isolation or at least apart…
Seems when I problem solve one issue, another one pops up. DH caught the flu after Thanksgiving and with his fever came the hiccups. Now that he recovered from the flu the hiccups are still a problem. He gets them several times per day and they sometimes last an hour or so. Nothing I try seems to get rid of them. Has…
Tough week continuing....
My husband got placed in a supportive nursing facility last Friday where he could recover from his fall and get stronger. Today, the facility social worker said that they are going to discharge him because he was combative and kicked people when they tried to change his diapers. And he was inappropriately touching the…
Gibberish talk
What a day yesterday. I was napping on the couch and I'm awaken by my th talking gibberish. I think he stood up from his chair and lost.his balance and caught himself from falling. I wake up and he is trying to say something but only weird words like, walk walker wa wa and some other pronunciation of some words. I had no…
Bring him home from assisted living?
My husband has been in assisted living for more than a year, and he’s doing very well - made friends, involved in activities- but the problem is that I am very lonely without him. He is mid-stage AD, but completely verbal and funny and warm. His short term memory is gone, but he’s sweet, charming, and worried about me.…
Dementia and mobility issues
Hi everyone! Is anyone starting to have problems getting around and have to depends on others to get around? I’m not getting out much. So I don’t walk much anymore but I do around house up/down stairs at night. I now use walker when going outside the house. I’m now having trouble standing more than 30 minutes. I no longer…
He is gone(2)
DH passed away early this morning. We were told 2-4 days last Tuesday, but he fought it until this morning. Each of the kids got a chance to say goodbye and most of us were with him when he passed. He squeezed my hand hours before. And the last words he said to me a week ago was "I love you". I'm numb. I've missed him for…
I am wondering how you are doing, Beachfan. Have not seen a post from you for awhile.
In some cases, Medicare will cover dental procedures
A horrible terrible night.
I woke up at midnight to the sounds of my DH up and moving around, so went in to check on him. The diarrhea stench hit me as soon as I opened the door. He was in his bathroom with the lights on and said he had diarrhea. There was poop all over the bed and the floor, as well as on DH from his back down to his feet. He was…
I thought this was good and from the heart.
Need some advice(3)
My SO has short term memory loss. We have been together for 7 years. He wants me to be his executor. “I want you in charge if I get sick”. We have had these conversations for years. He just put it off. If he makes a will or medical POA or a POA now…will they be considered valid? I do not benefit in any way if he passes. He…
Dinner, the battle ground
I try to make simple meals that I can “hold” for an hour or so when DH won’t come to the table but it is getting so frustrating. Tonight I finally took the TV controller away from him . Then he will eat 3 or 4 bites and start to clean up. When he is all done cleaning up he will come back to the table and eat more of his…
If possible, you need to get a 5 generation photo. That would be a keeper for a long time. We have one with my wife's mother as the 5th generation. Both my wife and her mother are now gone, but we still have the picture.
Trying to make things easier
It takes work, but you can do it. It all comes down to your thinking. Your brain will always lead you to the negative aspects of a situation. That's automatic. So you have to work to change that. Consider the following situation. A friend tells you they had a conversation with your LO, and they seem just fine. “I just had…
Don't miss this one
Someone tells you they had a great conversation with your LO, and they seemed just fine. What would you think about that? Or they say something else pertaining to your LO or the way you are making decisions. This video is for you! I know it won't be easy, but it might make you feel a lot better. I think this is a must see…
Today DW and I have been married 41 years. This morning when she came into the living room I hugged and kissed her and told her happy anniversary, she smiled and then it was gone. There's days I sure miss the lady I married 41yrs ago or even 2yrs ago, but I'm truly blessed to still have her in my life. Happy Anniversary…