Repeated Questions and Fixations (Eeeek!!!!!)
I have not posted here for over 2 ½ years. I was stressed to a point where I started to bury my head in the sand and avoid all things Alzheimer’s. I wish I had stayed connected here, because I have learned so much from everyone else’s experiences. DH was cruising along with very slow progression until recently. He seems to…
Viagra for Alzheimer’s?
Did anyone else see the report on using viagra to treat Alzheimer’s? I was totally shocked. Sorry I didn’t record the article, because again I was thinking it was crazy! Just wondering if anyone else saw it.
another post about knowing better
I always hide the remotes for the TV. Didn't today. Searched high and low. Nowhere to be found. Maybe it'll turn up tomorrow. My bad, can't blame my DW, she has absolutely no recollection.
ten year old computer and memories
I have a ten year old Windows 8.1 laptop computer . All I do with it is play chess some of the keys don't work But it was DW's last computer and it has her name and many pictures. She was a computer genius and an always needed the fastest and newest machines. DW built her first Computer in 1977. My first in 1980 over the…
Delirium or hallucinations?
My DW has had hallucinations for a year or more but mostly small smiling kids that live in bushes outside. Last night was a doozy. She woke up and saw a lady in a white dress standing in the bedroom. The lady scared the bejesus out of her. She was terrified and wouldn't go back into the bedroom. I convinced her after she…
I am so alone with my husband's nonofficial diagnosis. It is difficult because he is lucid but situationally unaware. I feel like I am drowning. He resists leaving the house though he can run errands at times. I tried reaching out to his adult daughter and she thinks that it is normal aging. It's odd that family refuse to…
Is it pain or just attention?
DH has recovered nicely from his his fall. Vertebrae have and are healing and home PT ends tomorrow, outpatient begins. For the past 2 weeks he’s been grimacing and moaning in pain when he walks. Relying on cane more and says has pain in his leg. However when PT is here DH dismisses it as it’s not that bad. PT leaves and…
easy recipes for instant pot?
I got an instant pot for Christmas, but I'm not much of a cook. Since these things are so popular now, I thought some of you might have recipes that take little hands on time, and is full of flavor. Any suggestions are appreciated. We can all use something like that.
Soliciting advice: Meals schedule
Hi everybody! I have gained a lot by reading your discussions for a few months (thanks!) but this is my first post. My question is: how important is it to keep a fixed schedule of meals for a PWD? I understand the answer may be very personal, so this is our background info. My DW was diagnosed with dementia ("probably AD"…
Weeks left
Met with hospice on Tuesday. I was told he only has weeks not months left. If he makes it to Christmas, they will be surprised. He is a fighter. No solid food for over 3 weeks but is drinking. For the most part, he still knows me and the kids. I had a houseful yesterday. We visited George in the am and had dinner later in…
Just need to talk to my friends (182)
It' 42 degrees right now, down from high 70s today. Still no idea how much rain we had but was just out on the porch and heard a couple of calves walking through water. Anxious to know. Talked to my BIL in the Texas Panhandle earlier this evening. He said they had a pretty snow today- big flakes falling straight down. The…
Another bad night and need opinions
DH had been having bad nights a few weeks ago where he would get up, wander around, leave the room then come back only to repeat it again about 20 minutes later. It has been better the past few weeks with him sleeping until 5:00am (I'll take it). Last night though at 3:30 he jumped out of bed yelling at me, who are you?…
No politics, no wars, nothing but good stuff
Something a little different your LO might like
He is/was billed as the world's greatest singing impressionist. His name is Bob Anderson, and he sings the songs you will likely remember. Your LO might enjoy it. He is excellent. Bob Anderson "The worlds greatest singing impressionist."
Just starting the journey
DW was recently diagnosed with AD. I have been reading several books on caregiving and I know it is going to be a journey and that I am just starting, while most of you have been at this a while. She is still able to be independent but is declining. Should I be making the needed safety changes to the house (support rails,…
Our Mr. Toad
I hope your day was as good as mine
We had a house full. The women did all the cooking, and there was more than we needed. I invited a good neighbor who lives alone. I wasn't sure this was at all possible, but even though I'm grieving the loss of my wife, I had a good time. We have a close family, and we got through it together.
Gum disease cause of Alz???
Memorializing the Journey
I've been through many long stressful times in my life from the time I was a kid. As I got older, I would find my self from time to time in a long and stressful situation that would last for years and seemingly would never end. At some point during the height of the stress I would do something to memorialize that time in…
Just remember.....
As bad as it might be, you have something to be thankful for. I hope everybody makes the most of the day tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving(2)
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow travelers on this journey! May you all have an enjoyable day with your LOs.
Alzheimer Law Allows Younger Patients to Gain Eligibility for Grants, Programs
Downsizing to a new house?
My DW is 4 years into EO diagnosis. Her health (other than mental) is good, and she is still able to enjoy take-out lunch to the park and strolling afterwards. I am looking to relocate to a smaller home, but I'm worried how this would affect her. Any thoughts or experience to share?
Caregiver guilt
Dr. Natali <careblazers@gmail.com> To:Ed Tue, Nov 22 at 5:02 AM Careblazer, It breaks my heart when amazing Careblazers tell me about all the guilt they have. You do so much to best care for your loved one with dementia, yet you beat yourself up over some of the things you've done while trying to figure out this confusing…
What do you see for yourself post dementia?
I doubt that most of us even consider that question, but maybe we should. Especially for those of us on the younger side. For me, I consider my work done, and life for me is in the early winter of the season. I had one brother and one sister. My sister died at 89, and my brother died at 88. My mother died at 86, and my…
how to write a diary
My wife and I have been living in my brother’s house for 3 months or so. He caught covid (i think for the second time) towards the beginning of August 2022. while in the hospital he became very agitated and ultimately was diagnosed with dementia. Since that time, his dementia has gotten worse and worse. i am just setting…
Memory care facilities(3)
I am researching and touring memory care facilities and want to know if smelling bad is a red flag. I understand it would be difficult to keep up with all the incontinent people there but is it a sign of understaffing?
A Wise Answer
DH is obsessed with his age...82 and the fact that he can't drive anymore. He has a litany that he repeats time after time during the day. It goes something like this: " I don't drive a car. I don't ride a bike. I can't go for a walk by myself. I'm 82 years old!" Sometimes I get tired of hearing it! Yesterday though, for…
sorry I posted on the wrong board, My brain has been all over the place.
Peewee goes to the cancer doctor next week. I have already decided not to do chemo or radiation . I am so heart broken but I am ok. Peewee's Dementia is progressing. He no longer eats very much has lost a lot of weight. Has just the last week started wetting his pants, But he can still change his own clothes. he has just…
Update to kicked out and a Punch
Finally got to see DH after a month in geripsych and a week in MC. It was wonderful to see him but I’m aware he’s slipped down the totem pole. I found 10 filled glasses on a shelf in his closet. I asked him what they were. Pee. He said he didn’t know where he was supposed to go. This past Saturday night I got a call from…