End of spring
It was March 21 that my partner was hospitalized, so three months today since she left the house and farm. Anniversary reaction of sorts I guess, a whole season gone by. We just did a FaceTime call, and she was in good spirits, though when seeing me, she says she's "sick of this arrangement" and "is leaving these parts,"…
My Wish
This year I lost three family members to Alzheimer's Disease. My father-in-law and husband passed within a week of each other, and my aunt died about six months later. In reflecting on how much this disease has taken from my family's lives, I am saddened by the fact that after all this time, we are still no closer to…
Need Your Help - Bidet Seats
Goodness; the topic of bidet seats has become a quest. Three very elderly amazing aunts who are sisters in three different states have got onto the topic and are asking me for information about how to choose a bidet seat of which I have no knowledge. They all want such a seat and must choose well as it is a major purchase…
Just need to talk to my friends (173)
Morning, Hope all of you are up and at 'em this morning. My thoughts this morning have been with Sandy. By now her biopsy is finished and she's going to be ready to go home in a couple of hours. Now, the waiting for the results. beautiful day here in Okkahoma. No rain today but storms predicted for tomorrow morning, then…
Falcon, Kenzie, and May - Two more questions about the mp3 players
I have looked at both of the mp3 players you talked about, but I have questions about them that I can't seem to find answers to. I read customer reviews when I buy online. One person gave the Simple Music Player one star because he said he couldn't load any songs on it through a chromebook. This is all I have now, since my…
Asking for opinions
As most of you know, my wife has been in MC for a little over 2 weeks. One of our daughters visits just about every day, and she tells me her mother cries for a while when she visits because she wants to come home. She doesn't know she's there for the long haul. Another daughter thinks it might be a good idea to tell her…
Forget about war, politics, and murders
I just happened to come upon an old thread that I think deserves being seen again, during these uncertain times. https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147553267
Who knows about a good mp3 music player?
I have decided to not take a TV up to my wife's room because I think it might cause her to stay in her room. If she wants to watch TV, there is a community room she can go to, and mingle with other people. What I'd really like to find is some type of mp3 player that has only one or two buttons to activate it or shut it…
MC transition is so difficult!
I posted this last night on a different thread but am hoping for additional information from others who have had to place their LO into MC or are approaching this decision. I am also wondering if other have experienced such rapid declines in their LO along with the inability to contain them in the house and keep them safe.…
MC day time activity?
Currently in the process of reviewing MC facilities to have a plan B ready. To be honest I was not totally repelled but actually could see DW fitting in. DW is currently at stage 6c/d. We also frequent the county senior center for lunch and DW especially enjoys it when they have music events. I asked a MC manager if we…
We had our 1st visit with the neurologist
I am happy to say it was a good visit. DH was diagnosed with mixed dementia CMS-HCC The Dr asked if he had ever had a traumatic brain injury. There is evidence on the CT scan that he did at some time. He doesn't remember one nor do I know of one. It also looks like he has Alzheimer's. He prescribed quetiapine to help with…
This might be helpful information
I am gonna be starting dw on depakote tomorrow and looking at all the side effects. And I came across this article about learning how to manage behaviors without medicine. I saw a lot behaviors that are listed here often. Some of you may have already read this.…
Not sure what to do(2)
My DH has over the years obtained a vast amount of "stuff" He is a true hoarder in every sence of the word and the basement is full. Because of this disease he no longer can use any of this stuff. I have mentioned selling a lot of it to help with the bills. He absolutely refuses to talk about it, thinking he is going to…
Looking for care facility options in the Avon or Plainfield Indiana areas- anyone with ideas, please
A dear friend is needing suggestions for good care facility options in or around the Avon or Plainfield Indiana area. I told her I would ask in hopes there are some Indiana people on this forum who might share their experiences- good or bad. Any and all ideas to make sure her mother is placed in a good and caring facilty…
Every day it's the same two things...
DH sundowns badly nearly every day. It starts with, "Well, guess I better be going" I say where are you going? You live here..........He says he's gotta find his mother and go home to Bridgton............I always say the farm is sold and your mother has been dead for 10 years.........I tell him we have been married for…
Filing without an attorney for Arizona Long Term Care
Hello: I live in Arizona and would like to know if anyone out there applied for Arizona Long Term Care(ALTC-Medicade) with out the help of an attorney and were you successful in obtaining ALTC? Any down side in applying without the help of an attorney and if turned down then pay for the service? My current Elderly Law…
Finally, our visit with the neurologist
Tomorrow is our 1st visit with the neurologist. It has taken me 6 months to get this appointment!! Can? anyone give me some advice on what to expect? Anything I should be asking for questions ? Thank you in advance
update on DH(4)
I had posted last week that DH was so angry and combative I had to call 911. He was brought to the hospital and was in the ER holding room waiting for a bed at a geri psych ward for 5 nights! No bed was available anywhere. On Wed the neurologist wanted him to see a neurosurgeon. His CT scan was abnormal and thought it was…
Help- early what do I do
Sorry My wife of 22 years is fading. She is obvious I’m sure but doesn’t really wants sex. She was diagnosed 3 years ago. She is not violent which is a good thing. Sex is important to me but w en at 69, 3 months is a long time. I hesitate even mentioning this. How have others adjusted? I don’t want to give it up- - it’s…
Placement happened.
Yesterday I moved my husband to memory care. I told him I had to have surgery. He asked how long he had to stay there and I said about a month. We had lunch together and then we went for a walk for 45 minutes. I decided to make it low key as far as leaving. I said I had to go to the hospital, hugged him and left. The tech…
Sleep issues
I am the caregiver along with my sister for our 101 year old father. His dementia has gotten worse since a recent 3 week hospital stay. He is home now but dependent on my sister and me for everything, He is obsessed with going to the bathroom multiple times a day, most of the times he doesn't go at all. Since he needs help…
The 'Jekyll and Hyde' thing.
Who is she going to be today? Yesterday she was sweet, a little unsteady, and afraid of losing friends and being alone. Yesterday she needed hugs and reassurance, and a major clean-up twice. She woke up mean. Doesn't want help, or to be told what to do, or anything. Informs me that I am mean and awful. Pacing around, the…
From an old post - notice the date
Questions about EEG
My DH had an EEG a couple days ago and the results are shown in his portal online but haven’t heard from the neurologist yet. He is probably late stage 6.and still trying to determine if ALZ or FTD. The results on the portal show the impression is “normal” and “This is a normal EEG capturing wakefulness. No…
Once again
In December 1998 when one of our sons died, I cried. I don't remember crying before that. The next time I cried was 2 weeks ago when I was getting her things ready to take to MC. Today was almost perfect weather wise. Mid 70s, mild breeze, partly/mostly sunny. We have a small patch of woods on the west side of the house,…
Happy Father's Day(1)
Sending warmest wishes for a Happy Father's Day to all fathers and all those who have served as father's to children . . . you have given much to children's futures with one of the two most important figures in a child's life . . . (the other being Mother.) J.
Feel so guilty
I visit my husband 2-3 hours every day but it’s becoming difficult for me to keep it up. DH is at early stage 6 Alzheimer’s but had a paralyzing stroke so now he is in the best (i.e., most expensive) facility in town. When I visit him, I face two hours of whining and toilet aromas. He is doubly incontinent now and is…
Father’s Day Wishes
*apologies for cross-posting Wishing all you amazing caregiver fathers and father figures a good day. Also sending hugs to those for whom this is the first heavenly or MC Father’s day for your LO. May you find some happy moments today. Thinking of you.
Bad / Scary Night
We live in New Mexico and last night we received the first rain in 78 days which is a blessing. The past week I have been battling a terrible cough (not Covid) and even went to Urgent Care to get something to help because I've been coughing all night long and am exhausted. I've been having DH sleep in the guest room so my…
Just a caution if LO is going to MC
We found a mini fridge with a small freezer at Best Buy that we thought might be good for my wife. She likes her cokes, and there's no reason for her not to have them at this stage in her life. So we took a few cans up there for her. The next day one of our daughters went to visit her mother. When she looked in the…