feeling beaten and exhausted
DH diagnosed with AD in May 2018 after years of problems and tests. The past month he has accused me of taking his things, lying and having multiple boyfriends. None of it true. He was agitated and waking up at night so was put on trazadone a couple of months ago, which did help. I have started giving it to him in the am…
Covid vaccination update
From the NYT Only about 60 percent of Republican adults are vaccinated, compared with about 75 percent of independents and more than 90 percent of Democrats, according to Kaiser. And Republicans are both disproportionately white and older. Together, these facts help explain why the white death rate has recently been higher…
Just wanted to let you know that you are constantly on my mind. I've had a couple of minor wins in the last few days, and if I could give you one of them, I would certainly do that. I just pray that things take a sharp turn your way very soon.
Does not recognize people
My husband has a friend of 58 years who he has seen at least monthly during the years. He was sitting out on the deck talking to him for an hour yesterday and his friend said today that he didn’t know him yesterday but enjoyed the visit anyways. Every night now he asks me if he is going to go home to sleep or just sleep…
Lynne D.
Hello Lynne, I have been thinking of you and was wondering how things were going. So hope things are looking up and improving, or is your DH still insisting on going "commando?" If he is refusing to wear appropriate undergarments now that he is doubly incontinent, how are you managing? And . . . . in the midst of all of…
Dreaming alot
Hi everyone my DH says lately he dreams every time he sleeps and he is sick of it. Has anyone else heard this from your LOs?
geriatric psychiatrist
Just wondering when do you take a LO with AD to a geriatric psychiatrist? What do they do?
Concerning seroquel
I've been doing a little research on seroquel since the hospital doctor put my wife on it without my knowledge. This is something I found on both the site for Mayo Clinic and medlineplus,gov. Seroquel should not be used for behavioral problems with older people with dementia. It can increase the chances of death while…
Bad moon a risen
I see the bad moon a-risin' I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today Well the sundowning is on the rise. Hope I make it tonight. I hate dementia. Tried to mow the lawn got half down and burnt out. All the while Dw wife has been raging over what?????? Dw says. you brought the cat food…
Blackberry cobbler and Grandmother
Just on a lighter note. I wonder how many people think about the cooking their Grandmothers or Mother used to do, I'm sure one of them. Today after the Oklahoma rain stopped I grabbed a chair for my wife to sit in, and a gallon bucket and we walk to the end of our property, where there lays a giant blackberry patch. This…
Please don't wait too long.
I haven't posted a lot so I'll begin by giving history. My 88 yr old DH is 20 years my senior and has vascular dementia and ALZ. It began 8 years ago with a brain injury caused from a fall that probably was caused by a stroke. His care is relatively easy compared to what many of you are going thru. He doesn't wander but…
Another year
Today is our 54th wedding anniversary. A lot of time and memories have passed since the day I “fed” DH wedding cake until today when I fed him apple cobbler dessert at his MCF. Our carefully crafted plans began unraveling about 12 years ago and there’s no sense looking back. I don’t regret a minute spent with him; he was a…
What A Night
DH has had 2 wonderful days. He has joked and laughed and enjoyed everything we've done. It was a delight to do things with him even if some of it was on his schedule. It was nice that he could be outside on his own and monitored less frequently. Last night he went to bed and woke up once to the bathroom. He turned on the…
Heart Monitor?
Hi. DH is a healthy 78 year old, stage 6, not yet incontinent. He has always had a slow heart rate and has done Holter heart monitoring twice in the distant past with no issues found. Two weeks ago he had a fainting episode probably due to painful stomach cramps and straining (constipation). Went to ER, no problems found,…
My DH has been on one subject for the last week. He is going to buy a new SUV so he can leave when he feels like it. He sits out side talking to himself using bad language, calling one of our sons all kinds of names. He thinks he “stole” our old car from the garage. Truth is we gave it to him. He just keeps this up and…
Just need to talk to my friends ,(172)
Hi, Thought it might be time for 172. It's been a very cool day for a change. Hope everyone's aches and pains are better. Seems like I've felt better today. . Did dishes and a few other things.. Enjoy your evening.
melt down/ breakdown
I don't even know where or how to start this post, but here it is. The last 2 to 3 weeks have been pure hell! and that's just how it feels. My DW decline is just happening way to fast now. Everything from no longer remembering her twin sister, no longer able to clean herself properly, throwing her shoes in the trash. I…
All these tests?
So I got the ball rolling for my dw, my head is still spinning. Dw doesn't remember the visit and I could see it definitely had an effect on her. She conflated several stories about what happened. I do not want to continue subjecting her to things that are gonna make her progress quicker. I am cool with a cat scan to rule…
M1, here's the list
Unless otherwise noted, it is once a day/evening: Amlodipine 5 mg Atorvastatin 80 mg Losartan 25 mg Metopolol tartrate 50 mg 2X daily Areds2 2X daily Rivastigmine patch 4.6 mg Seroquel 12 1/2 mg Warfarin 2 1/2 mg B12 1000 mg She has been pretty fatigued, and I was considering stopping the patch. Fatigue is one of the side…
MC folks: anyone doing/seeing regular covid screening these days?
I was supposed to try a visit today with friends--both over sixty, one of them with a bad heart condition. Got an email yesterday that my partner was "not feeling well" over the weekend, and her nephew talked to her yesterday and said she sounded pretty rough on the phone. No one has mentioned a covid test--I brought it up…
Placement in 11 days
I decided to place my husband. It is a decision I never wanted to make but I find myself feeling so resentful that he has had 21 years of retirement and my 4 years have been spent caring for him. I alternate with sadness and depression. He has failed so much in the last month. For the last two nights he has not recognized…
Article: I Have Alzheimers, Don't Feel Sorry For Me
Very touching writing: https://www.yahoo.com/news/alzheimer-don-t-feel-sorry-120015680.html J.
I'm about to snap
This is my first post to a message board... My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last month but he’s been behaving erratically for at least 4 years. He denies that anything is wrong with him and refuses to take medicine because the “priests” told him he didn’t need to. His short term memory is sporadic at best. Lately…
Here a bit over 6 years now.
I just noticed my "joined" date is just a little over 6 years ago. I know I visited here and read for at least a year before that, probably a few years. I was convinced DH had dementia years before his diagnosis, while all the doctors we visited continued to say no, it's just stress and depression, he's way too young to…
Needing Support
DH was diagnosed with Alzheimers in early May though we know he had memory issues prior to that. He is on medication to help him sleep and to help ward off psychotic behaviors. It does help him sleep but we still have behaviors that are disturbing. * He does not drive and hasn't for almost 5 years. * I took his knife away…
Seeing the slow pattern of decline.
For a couple of months my dw started asking if we were married. It started slow,once or twice in one week and then a little break, now it's getting more frequent. It has kinda changed as well, now she says I am not used to my married name, it's still kinda new, and that is becoming more frequent. Yesterday about 5 dw saw…
Where hasn’t he peed?
Update from Casa poo here. The good news is that the husband hasn’t been making his daily deposits in the sink, he does now and then, but now he just whips out his penis and pees in the sink. Today I saw him peeing over our porch onto the neighbour’s garbage cans, sigh. I told him to get back into the house and use the…
Can seroquel cause delusions?
Just wondering because when my wife was in the hospital, they put her on seroquel without me knowing it. Now that she's in MC, she told our kids that she's afraid because someone is going to kill her. And she is extremely tired. She is only on a very small dose, 12 1/2 mg twice a day, but I talked to the doc today, and he…
Little things.
Just thinking about all the little things that help me. Oldies music, makes my dw happy, which makes me happy. I play music in the car,she likes car country, Brooks and Dunn. Boot scoot and boggie. Ice cream seems to have a magical power over dementia, it's mere mention stops the dementia demon dead in its tracks. Well…
Your expertise is needed. My parents have moved from Texas to Louisiana. Mom has Alz. How do we go about switching banks in regards to moms SS check? Do we contact the SS office? Or does the bank handle this ? Thank you! Sincerely, abc123I hope you, dear wife and family are all as well and happy as possible!