Going on a trip and need advice.
It's been awhile since I've posted. I've been depressed and just haven't felt up to it. I have been reading all of your posts though and am praying for you. Our grandson is getting married in a week in Indiana. We live in St. Joseph, Missouri. Our daughter and her husband are flying in From Boston on Monday and renting a…
Could use your help/support, MC visit today
All thoughts/good vibes and prayers accepted. First visit in three weeks this afternoon. I'm frankly very apprehensive. Trying to keep a positive frame of mind so I don't blow it. I'll insist on a public venue. I'm not even sure what to talk about, because I can't talk about the farm. If I leave now can stop and get a…
DH stuck in repetitive behavior
Hi Everyone! I'm new at this and this is my first time on any kind of a message board, so I'm also a little scared. My DH was diagnosed with FTD last year caused by a severe case of lead poisoning. I'm his sole caregiver. Our friends have all drifted away and our families all live quite far from us. So there's no one to…
Things taken for granted, now appreciated
We live right next to a bike trail, where people walk their dogs, jog, bike, or just go for a walk. I used to walk the trail for 3 miles just about every day, but the last two years that didn't happen. I just tried getting my wife in a wheel chair, and walking the trail. WOW! Did we both enjoy that! She keeps saying how…
Just need to talk to my friends (171)
Hi, Sara, I lost a post early this morning so thought I'd start #171 thinking #170 was getting too long. Sorry for what happened - two people can do the same thing two different ways so don't worry about it too much. It'll just take time for you and them to get used to each other and the way things are done. Hang in there…
How much control?
My SO has severe short term memory loss but is quite functional in other ways. She relies on me to remember things which she doesn't. However, I find that it is difficult to find a balance of how much control I assert in her life. If I do too much, she feels that I am treating her as if she is a child, but if I don't do…
I've noticed something different.
My dw seems to have lost her Peripheral vision. I have scared her several times, I walk right to her side, inches apart I have tried standing there and nothing till I touch her. She acts scared or surprised. I had noticed other times she acted surprised,but today was like an eyeopener. I know her sight is 2020. We already…
Widow Brain
Last week-ish I posted: I am experiencing some minor physical symptoms that I am attributing to the grief. For example, headaches, forgetfulness, scattered thoughts, even chest pain. Although I attribute the symptoms to my grief, I will see my doctor Friday for the opinion of a medical professional. See the original post…
Insurance Frustrations
DW's LTC claim was approved back in November. So far I've only used it to pay for a cleaning service, but have finally found a caretaker who is able to give me a few hours of respite a few times each week. It's a good situation. But the LTC company wants reevaluations every four to six months. They are extremely stress…
My journey in Tunisia
Where to begin… The first day was fine. He was captivated by me could do nothing, happy The second day, he was closed, didn’t want to have breakfast. We went to the psychiatrist. I found her professional and I was satisfied. We day was a little complicated but we did things together: lunch, swimming pool, go for a walk,…
GPS for Seniors
Does anyone have advice or recommendation for a simple GPS tracking watch for seniors? I'm not looking for a smartwatch, per se, as they can be pretty disorienting by themselves
Just Another Day In The Neighborhood
Hi All, I’m kind of new to this group. I work from home. Today I woke up and as I walked around the house I discovered all the minor chaos that happened while I was asleep and my DH was not. In the downstairs bathroom there was his wallet, one of the TV remotes, a handkerchief, some rubber bands, and napkins on the floor…
Primary Care Doc or Neurologist - Recommendations please
My DH was diagnosed with early-stage dementia a year ago. The diagnosis was made by a neurologist with an MRI. Our visits since then have proven to be useless. He offers medication options but our Primary Care can take care of that. Why go to a Neurologist? The writing is on the wall that he is getting worse. Medications…
Is this common?(1)
Are obsessive/compulsive behaviors common with different types of dementia? I’m not talking about the verbal repeating of statements or questions, but actions such as rearranging objects over and over again, trying to take the trash bins down to the street every 15 minutes, brushing teeth or cleaning eyeglasses over and…
Constant delusions
My DH has mod/severe Alz and VD. His psychiatrist has been slowly reducing all his antipsychotic drugs till now he is only on Gabapentin (originally started by his neurologist for limb movement disorder), Olanzapine 2.5 mg once a day, and 5 mg Donepezil. He was on Alprazolam 0.25 mg till he ran out Sat., and it was not…
DH Just Asked Me to Leave
DH just asked me to leave and don't come back. This is immediately after he proclaimed we need to trust each other, that it's the most important thing. I know it's not really him talking, but does this mean there's some underlying truth to wanting me to leave?
Need your help. What can I tell husband
My husband, diagnosed with AD in 2015, had a stroke a couple of weeks ago. He is going to be discharged from the hospital rehab unit next week. We have a very good place for him to continue care. It is assisted living with add-on nursing and rehab services. He will have 24/7 care. He is currently paralyzed on the right…
It seemed to be going pretty well
Unless there's at least reason to suspect I should go into the bathroom with my wife when she uses the toilet, I stay near, but outside the bathroom door. Today seemed to be pretty good, so I waited outside the door. Then I heard the toilet flush. Then it flushed again, and again. My thought was "What is she trying to…
Name on the List
Well today I put my husband’s name on a list for memory care and gave them a deposit. I said I was looking at the fall. At this point he doesn’t seem to realize where he is at home now. He is only interested in lacing and unlacing his shoes and power that is coming from the lights and cords. He wants me to stay in the room…
When will the ball drop?
My DH has seemed "normal" for the past week. It is times like this, I think, he doesn't have (early) Alzheimer's. Have you experienced this in the early stages? Is this normal? Can I expect this over a long period of time? I keep waiting for the ball to drop....
THC test
I just gave my husband a CBD gummie with THC. He is sundowning and obsessing about fixing things. It started when his caregiver was here today and she couldn’t redirect him. The Seroquel was scary - he couldn’t walk or talk or open his eyes 45 min after getting 25mg so I thought I would try a weak dose of THC. It has been…
Have a great day! Not appropriate to say!
DH died on April 30th. I'm still in the process of contacting insurance companies, banks, Social Security, etc. When I say I'm calling to report a death, of course, the person on the phone first says something like, "I'm sorry for your loss". But... they always end with the phrase, "Have a great day!" I find this phrase so…
Struggling with patience
Most days I do pretty well with being patient with my DH even though he follows me everywhere and asks me questions all day. But if I have a lot on my plate I tend to fail miserably in the patience department. We are putting our farm on the market. Planning on moving near my sister and mom and getting a smaller farm. My DH…
Indignity layered upon indignity
I just returned from the rehab unit at our local hospital, where my husband was admitted after the stroke he suffered last week. He’ll be there for a few weeks but I don’t think he’ll ever be well enough to come home. I watched my husband, right side paralyzed, head bent into his chest, mouth askew, and I asked myself,…
aduhelm update
With federal payment for Biogen’s controversial Alzheimer’s disease drug, Aduhelm, restricted to clinical trials only, neurologists don’t even want to use the therapy in this limited setting. In a survey of 81 U.S.-based neurologists, 52% said they were “not likely” to allow their patients to go into a trial to access…
Sharing an email
I thought this might be of interest to some. Here is the email I got this morning. -- Careblazer, Sometimes trying to help someone with dementia backfires on us. You try to help out and they accuse you of: * Treating them like a child * Trying to take over their life * Bossing them around In last Sunday's video, I shared 5…
DW is 70 And I feel very very old
I took ice cream and cake a fish sandwich and a lovely new shirt decorated by her cousins She looked lovely and had no idea who I was or what was going on. I remembered her 20th birthday. 12 years we have been on this road I played "Did she mention my name" and "Those were the days"
Ten warning signs of dementia
My DH exhibits many of the items on the list....in varying degrees at different times. The most difficult period was about three year when his personality changed and he became much more difficult: verbally abusive, refusing to help me, etc. Fortunately this trait has almost completely disappeared. In fact he is nicer than…
Tears from a Child
Last Friday DW and I had the privilege of picking up our grand-daughters, ages 8 and 10, from school. When they loaded up into the truck I (Papa) asked them, "what do you girls want to do?" They responded, "go get ice cream and go to the park." I was hoping they would have left the ice cream part out, simply because of…
Lots of anxiety and depression
My DH was diagnosed with early-stage dementia about a year ago. He is on Remeron, and it has helped him sleep. His anxieties and depression fluctuate from day to day. He mostly wants to stay home and do nothing. I try to get him out a couple of days a week to walk or go shopping or out to lunch. He always loved to do those…