Real numbers and scary
There were 85 Covid Deaths reported today in Maryland That makes the 7 day average 60 deaths per day What is totally scary is that we had a 7 day average of 3360 infections on Dec 22 So the known infection fatality ratio (KIFR) is 1.7% which is DELTA at its worst I ran Pennsylvania as a check and they are at 1.9% I tried…
Genesight test
This Genesight test uses a person's DNA to supposedly help docs determine which psychotropic medications are more likely to be effective for an individual and which ones are more likely to have unwanted side effects. It's supposed to help minimize the trial and error of finding the right drug. I read that it's been…
My husband is finally free from suffering
My 63 yr old husband passed away peacefully this morning at 12:15am. I am so grateful I was able to keep him home under the care of hospice. He was bedridden since December 5. It was so very difficult to see him fade away day by day. My younger son is extremely upset. My older son is handling it well. My husband used to…
Hi, My father has AD since a year and I heard testimonials about patients who take SIMUFILAM (cassava sciences) and are improving even after a year. Does anybody has an experience with a relative taking Simufilam? Thanks!
Reviving quarantine laughs?
My children told me this morning that Dolly Parton is pitching some new masks: WorkN925. They have rhinestones glued to the front.
Monthly episodes
My name is Pam and I am the caregiver for my 85 yo husband with dementia. Every month, approximately the same time, my husband has these episodes when he becomes totally incoherent for approx 3 days each day is less and he eventually returns to “his” normal. At bed time while watching TV, he insists that all the channels…
For my birthday, I dreamt 3 good looking firefighters showed up to dazzle me on my 57th birthday...
In real life, the firefighters came to our home for a lift assist because DH fell. The icing on the cake was dog diarrhea on the floor. Mix in a cranky husband who does not realize it's my birthday. My birthdays are special in a different way now. Its not quite the festivities of years past, but it is still good. I still…
The 7 A’s of dementia
Sharing— Thanks to Iris’ mention in a Caregiver’s forum post, I went looking for more info on the 7As which I had a hard time sorting out and remembering actually. I like the linked article below. This is a very helpful explanation I had not run across yet. I see some things in the section on Altered Perception that I had…
December, December, December, December, December, December, December
That's seven. Dec. 3 - My wife's birthday Dec. 7 - Our second oldest son's birthday Dec. 20 - My birthday Dec. 23 - Our oldest daughter's birthday Dec. 24 - Our second oldest daughter's birthday Dec. 25 - Christmas Dec. 28 - Our anniversary 64 years with the same woman. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
Hallucinating again
This is a daily occurrence but on steroids today. DH just looked up and laughed out loud. I asked (of course ). He pointed to the open bedroom door and said those guys just drove the red car down that way. “The car, I asked?”. He said “yeah”. Then, he asked me to confirm what he saw on the other side of the room. “Those…
Times when you decide to laugh instead of cry
Ever have those times when you could go either way, either get frustrated at your spouse or else (hopefully) just laugh it off? Recently I've been able to laugh off some of my wife's head-scratching behaviors instead of getting mad. I like myself better when I can do that. Recently she has trouble dressing, always putting…
Nothing major, but kind of a rough day
It started out first thing this morning. I woke up in a not so good mood, then everything I needed her to do, it was "NO!". There were several things all day long that didn't go my way, and I was fed up with her. Then I tried to listen to music, but couldn't get through one song without having to get up. Then I finally…
Hershey highway
My husband has been having accidents, two or three a day. There are so many euphemisms for fecal problems, but I believe it is because he eats all day, yoghurt, ice cream, rice pudding etc. He had radiation for prostate cancer when he was 60, so has some damage to his colon. After doing two to three loads of laundry,…
He wet himself for the first time
Late yesterday afternoon while I was upstairs washing my face, I heard DH slowly coming up the stairs. I thought he was coming up to "check on me" like he usually does. Instead, he came in and said he had had an accident. He had wet himself and was upset. He said he didn't even know he had to go and he suddenly felt wet.…
Need advice on making the move to MC
Any advice on making the move to MC? Should I give DH some information about the fact that we'll be making the move or just spring it on him the day we plan to move?? Any help from others who have made the move would be appreciated. DH in mid-stages, I think I have come to terms with making the decision, but still very…
His Alzheimer's is hurting my teeth
While having my teeth cleaned a couple of days ago, I told the hygienist I was having problems with TMJ pain and also a tooth that hurts on and off. When the dentist came in, she said she thinks I am clenching my jaw at night. That would explain the jaw pain and headaches I have been having and the tooth pain. She said…
Is this a later stage?
Sue was diagnosed 3 years ago and yes, it is a strange trip. What in the world is going on? She is now questioning familiar objects such as computer screens, sauté pans and more. She doesn't know what they are or if they are a threat. Any experiences with this?
Meet up - virtual or East Texas area
Hi there. First post for me. If this isn’t in the correct place, please let me know. Are there options to find people who live in the same area for a meet up or maybe through some type of virtual discussion? I live in a rural area and am dying on the vine out here. Alice
little things I miss
I miss a good night's sleep. I miss being able to have a cup of coffee while it it is still hot. I miss watching a show or reading an article without interruption. I miss jumping in the car to run an errand or just going no where for no reason. It is heartbreaking to realize that if I am ever able to do these things again,…
What if assisted living is unaffordable?
I read that, in our area, assisted living facilities sart at $3,000/month. At that rate, our LO's savings would be used up in a hurry. What does someone do if they can't live alone yet require more care than family members can provide?
Educational video
Michael shared an extremely educational video, I highly recommend everyone here watch it.
laughing again
I have posted these before: I gave my DW some Ensure to boost her energy and gain weight. An hour later I was giving her a shower and you would have thought Mount Etna had erupted. It was a major mess (DW and shower). It was the first time we discovered she was lactose intolerant (she had never been before). By the time I…
Shaking hands
Very often my husbands shake really bad before or after a meal. This has been going on for most of the year but now it happens more often. Tonight was typical -- he came to the table and his hand were shaking when he sat down. They quit shaking in a few minutes and He ate his meal. Then went to his recliner and once again…
Patience and Self-control
I am angry with myself for losing patience with both Sue and myself. It feels like a small explosion in my head, even though I am strong 95% of the time. This is not comfortable to see myself like this and definitely not comforting for Sue's stability and security. She reacts and we both feel worse. It is embarrassing and…
Not venting but whining
(after Stevie Smith’s ‘Not Waving But Drowning’) Anyone else notice the negative feedback loop between caregiving and the normal challenges of day to day life? Caregiving is so demanding that it can make it harder to deal with the ordinary annoyances of life…and the ordinary annoyances of life can make caregiving harder.…
How to not feel
I don’t know how to not be effected by my husband’s behavior. Rationally, I know it’s the disease but I get so deeply depressed. Last night, I came home from work. He was watching TV. He wouldn’t say hello. I made myself dinner and brought it into the living room. When I placed my plate on the glass table it made a noise.…
Trouble getting clothes on
My husband can get his jeans on with no problems, but he can not get his tee shirts on or his socks! He try’s and try’s but just can’t get his shirt on. I really can’t understand why he can get part of his clothes on and not the shirt. He can’t get his sweatshirt on. Does anyone else have a love one that can get part of…
Just need to talk to my friends (162)
Hi, We're over 8,000 views so guess we'd better begin #162. Started to do that last night with my tablet but it acted up so will do it now. Jo, I got my recipe for wacky cake from Jenny Can Cook youtube video (Sara told me about it). She called it Easy Chocolate Cake. My proportions are a bit less than Ree's and I use a…
Clothes constantly being taken out of closets
My wife has recently started taking out all her clothes from closets and drawers and laying them out on the bed, hanging them on door handles, and so on. It's like she has to see everything all the time rather than being hidden away. Has anybody else experienced similar behavior? Any suggestions as to how to change it,…
Contact lenses
My husband hasn’t worn contacts in 40 years. He has used eye drops twice a day for 40 years. He can’t remember that he uses eye drops but he is digging at his eyes because he thinks he has “pieces” of plastic in them. I hate this disease! It is horrible to see someone who was so competent be unable to understand anything.