Trying to do the right things
I find taking care of my parents is a great challenge for me. I've been reading the postings from everyone and I'm more informed about dementia. My dad has vascular dementia and my mother has symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia. My mom can still take care of dad but I have to step in to help both of them when needed. I am…
hello! Recently my dad who has EO has been waking up in the middle of the nights to use the bathroom and he has been unable to find the toilet. Causing him to pee on the carpet and honestly anywhere except the toilet! Any advice? I’ve thought about the alarms to wake me up when he gets out of bed but I’m looking for…
Why is there always a catch? My LO is back in the sunshine and warmth (check). She found an AL community that she "likes" (check). My brother and I like it too and it's "affordable" (check). They have a cute 1 bedroom apartment that offers her a sense of autonomy (check). Saddly, all of the 1 bedrooms are currently…
Helping my mom move more...
Hi. I am brand new to this group. I would love to chat and get ideas with my mom. I just moved in with her yesterday. She just got out of the hospital and was told someone needs to be with her most of the day. She sits in her recliner with her warm blanket and wont get up for HOURS. She says no, she is cozy, I don't want…
Wanting to Move Mom from MC to another MC
Hello, It's been sometime since I've posted. Now finding I need advice on moving mom from her current MC to another. I am an only child and mom is widowed for many years. She has been living in a MC residence for 14 months. As a brand new "stand alone" residence I was awed by the beauty of the new place and promises of…
Hey Everyone
My name is Chris. My dad was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s this week at the Mayo Clinic. I will be, along with my brothers, assisting my stepmother in caring for him. This is all new and overwhelming at this point. I hope to learn more and find some support here. Thanks!
Very helpful information on dementia
I'm fairly new to the forum and a wonderful member suggested I check out Teepa Snow's videos. I've found them very useful. She explains how dementia changes the way the person's brain works which is why behaviors change. She also gives some examples of the right and wrong way to handle the behaviors. I've learned a lot so…
Life update on mama (60) and me (25)
Hi everyone! I realized it’s been 4 months since I last posted in here, after receiving so much love and support for my last post where I was just venting all my thoughts and feelings. My mom is doing really well, she’s about to be 60! And in a few months my spouse and I will celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary, so…
Alzheimer’s and Munchausens Correlation?
My father has always been a bit of an attention seeker and likes to create situations where he becomes the center of focus with health stuff. He’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and going through medical treatments. He is 81 years old and seemingly health as an ox otherwise. A few times now he’s been complaining of…
Treatment after starting hospice
Hello, Unfortunately my mother has injured her knee somehow (not reported to me by facility) and having pain to the point of being unable to bear weight. She was ambulatory (preferably with walker) before this happened. This happened the day before Hospice came to enroll. Now what can be done as far as anything to help? So…
how to get them to do things
so mom just got back from a place called unity and she did great there....she did their routine got up ate did group things....yesterday she came back home and this morning took us 2 hours to get her up a d then all she wanted to dosas to go lay back down after we got her up....so over the fight
How to encourage Dr to do full neuropsychological eval?
Hi all, I am new to the forum, and already appreciate the knowledge and support! My mom is very clearly suffering from MCI and so far, this is all they will diagnose her with, despite the fact that as a family, we see tremendous memory loss. She is a very intelligent, well-educated woman, and still performs extremely well…
So Sad!
My LO will soon be moving into her new space in AL. She's finally back in her own neck of the woods in SC and she's so much more content. It hurts me that she's so much happier with the sunshine and warmth than she ever was doing things with me in WI. I bent over backwards to try to make her happy while she was in WI,…
Had to place dad in an ALF.
First time posting here. Today has been one of the hardest days of my life. Had to place my dad (88 yoa) in an ALF. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s type 3 last year and has been getting progressively worse. He was living with my mom (87) in their own apartment however my mom did not feel safe anymore. Everyone including…
Advice on Getting LO to go to Day Care?
I’m trying to get my mom to go to a day care, primarily for her benefit but I can’t deny it would be a welcome break. She stays in her room, won’t go out to walk or anything. Occasionally will go out to play bingo. She just complains about being bored and how she used to do this or that. I think it would be a help to her…
Simple Music Player for Mom
Hi, was wondering if anyone had any experience with the Simple Music Player (also Simpl) from the Alzheimer store? Mom has a particular song she will listen to over and over; however, it is on YouTube and I have to put it on a device for her to listen to (thank goodness for repeat). These seem pretty easy, but they come…
Hello Has anyone given their love ones Aricept ? if so , was there any improvement ?
Please Help
I am at a total loss as to how to help my mother. We just left the neurologist office and I don't feel like she received the help that she needs. Before she was put on Aricept she had anxiety, outbursts, paranoia etc. I truly believe that she needs an antipsychotic. Aricept did make things so much worse. She is no longer…
Mom wants to go "home"
I am new here, but not to caring for my mom. Sorry this is long, but I want to give some background so you may be able to give me advice. I quit my job, left my 34 year old daughter when she was 24 so she could keep my house in order. We had 6 months earlier lost her dad, my husband of 31 years to suicide, and I moved to…
Dad will not acknowledge anything from the doctor
Hello, I am 37 years old, and I am trying to navigate this awful disease with my father.We are based out of California. He is 72, and he has put himself into a lot of danger (financially and physically). Some of our neighbors have called APS on him, but the neurologist says he is fully capable of making his own decisions.…
Hello All, My mother was started in Aricept in March. She started having hallucinations that were very distressing to her. She stopped sleeping and eating. She ended up in the hospital with suicide attempt. Prior to this she was pleasantly confused and able to take care of herself and light household chores. Aricept has…
Walls up
New to caregiving for self-centered husband
My husband was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and vascular dimentia, although I have seen the progression for many years. My hardest times are when he doesn't recognize me as his wife. He says I can't drive the cars because I am not on his insurance, he says he is single and doesn't want anyone living with him, that I…
Moving mom to memory care
Hi all. My 86 year old mom has level 6 Alzheimer's. We (my brother and I) can no longer care for her and we are moving her to a memory care facility. She is still lucid enough to say no, and I am asking for help of how to get her there without telling her where she is going. The facility suggested we say we are going away…
Hello all, I just joined this group and have been reading posts to try to figure out what is happening with my dad and how to handle it. His situation does not fit neatly into any diagnostic criteria from what I can tell. Sorry, this will be long. He is 85, my mom died about 10 years ago. I live a few miles away, my…
Do I visit my mom in memory care even though she's angry?
My parents are both in memory care and my mom is in the mid stages of Alzheimers. She has had a sudden shift in personality and is now convinced that I've taken her money and won't see her. I visit her weekly but she thinks I've moved to Russia, divorced my husband and am being beaten. She is angry with me every time I…
Hello everyone, I'm knew here. Where do I begin? Mom lives alone in her house, I'm an only child and I have a special needs adult child, who has mental health issues. Now that I got that out of the way. Mom was starting to lose a little bit of her memory before her fall last may. My mom is 78 yrs old with osteoporosis.…
Not sure what’s happening - post hospitalization
I’m hoping for some insight from experienced members. MIL was hospitalized for two nights and was doing great. Good appetite, baseline clarity and baseline ambulatory. She had a long phone conversation with her daughter four days after discharge. That’s usual as they talk for hours once or twice a week. My SIL texted me…
Aggression in dementia
Hello everyone I just found this group and was wondering if you guys can give me some pointers. My mother and grandmother just passed within the last year so my sister and I have became my grandfathers full time caregiver. I am 21 and my sister is 24 so we are pretty new at all of this. My grandfather has been getting very…
Hello, My Mom is refusing to sign POA documents. At this time, she has not paid her taxes for a few years and almost lost her house in another state. How do I proceed to petition a court for conservatorship? Do I need a lawyer? Thanks. I am an only child and my Mom has always been a Rock for all family members and friends-…