Road Scholar Caregiver Grants
Find Respite With a Road Scholar Caregiver Grant Hopefully, someone can find this site useful!…
In-home vs. facility care: Good science and how our group made a difference
You may remember that I came across an online article from Johns Hopkins University that was primarily focused on in-home care, and it included the following statements: "Research shows keeping a loved one with dementia at home helps them be happier and live longer" and similarly that "Of the 5.8 million people in the…
How would you handle being diagnosed with dementia ?
I have been thinking a lot lately how I would handle being diagnosed with dementia after having been a caregiver. I am a favorite uncle to a nephew I would have 100% confidence in helping me navigate my way through the process. What has helped my wife and I through this is her cooperation with whatever we have to do for…
New Diagnosis of Partner with EO AD.
I posted this originally in the wrong forum, so I'll post it here as well. Apologies. Hello Yesterday my partner (57yo) of 30+ years and I were given the news that he has AD. I am overwhelmed with shock and grief. My life partner, my best friend, my only friend, actually. And I can't talk to him about it, about how I'm…
Marta enjoy your comments on here. There is such a need for what you have done starting the Adult Family Home.
Need help with care resistance
….Good morning everyone, my problem is that I cannot get my WWD to take off her underwear to change her.When I go to show her how or do it myself she refuses if I try to do it she gets very mad and makes a fist declaring that she will hit me. This is a new behavior. I tried several times at different intervals and finally…
Big bathtime mistake and confusion with geting dressed
DH hadn't showered in two weeks and I was trying a different approach on Saturday. Rather than telling him he needed to take a shower which is always met with resistance, I asked him if he would rather take a bath or a shower. Naturally, he chose a bath. It almost turned out to be a disaster! He fell to a sitting position…
another MC policy question--your experience?
Curious about other people's experiences. In my partner's current facility, we have had recurrent problems not only with not having toilet paper out in the bathroom, but also no towels and soap. They insist that all toiletry supplies remain in a locked closet all the time, but --despite multiple requests, after nearly a…
I gave my love a valentine
I gave my love a valentine. He’s read it 50 times or more. Each time is like the first time and brings a smile and delight. His brain may be broken, and my heart may be broken, but our love is still intact. Happy Valentines Day Brenda
Coping with agitation(1)
I am currently caring full time for my father who has moderate dementia. His partner (not my mother) is away on a 2 week overseas vacation with her friends. He has pronounced sundowning and gets severe agitation in the evenings. His partner is not answering his messages (phone calls, texts etc.) which is causing increased…
I did not want to hijack Bill's thread
Bill posted about what he would do if diagnosed with dementia. I want to emphasize that even a person without dementia can be in a very difficult, even miserable situation. I am thinking of my frail neighbor, who I have posted about. She is a widow of three years, after a 60+ year marriage. She was doing fairly okay until…
Phantom Family
I just finished a book about a double amputee. There was a reference to «phantom limb,» the condition where amputees still feel sensations in the missing limb. I was struck by the thought that as I walk around my home, living alone for the first time in my 76 years, I have «phantom family.» Sometimes I hear a noise and…
In Love, By Amy Bloom
So I just finished reading this book by Amy Bloom and I'm wondering if anyone else has read it. The friend that suggested it was worried that it would upset me. It did not. In fact, there was not a tear shed throughout the reading of it. I actually wanted more info, more details about how this story unfolded and what…
Question for those with LO in MC
My DH with Alzheimer’s enters MC facility this week—much faster, and much different circumstances than imagined. He fell New Years, shattered hip, total hip replacement required, with loss of cognitive abilities (not as bad as I feared, but definitely lost ground), and weeks of rehab. Still mobility impaired. My own health…
If you have a Medicare Advantage plan........
You might want to read this: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retirees-may-face-this-hassle-with-medicare-advantage-survey-finds-140959662.html
Struggling to have a conversation?
I just found an old thread about caregivers struggling to have a conversation with their LO. Does anyone have this problem, or could you use some tips on starting a conversation with them? Maybe tips on how to have meaningful connections with them? If so, this has the potential to be a good thread. That's all I have for…
How to mediate between parents
Hello, I’ve just joined this forum. My father has mixed Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. He’s always been a very stubborn man, very controlling of my mother through their marriage. So now that she has to be his caretaker there are some very difficult issues occurring and I’m being placed in the middle constantly. They…
Does Medicare cover in home care?
I was under the assumption that Medicare Advantage covers in home care, but a friend told me today that they believe it only covers skilled nursing care, nothing less. Currently I feel I need help just so that I can get some relief. I’m sure you all know what I mean. I help him choose his clothes, make sure he showers…
Alz cruises
I have seen posts about Alz cruises…..can someone tell me how to locate them ? That sounds like a good option for DH as we progress.
Why can’t I just die
Today this is what my dh asked me. I took my time before asking him what he meant. He has such a hard time trying to get even a few words out. Most of the time I know what he’s wanting to say so I help him, but this time I waited. He said because I’m useless, I can’t talk, can’t make it to bathroom, can’t think right,…
Our LO feels that he is getting better and doesn't need to see a doctor. Denies all symptoms. Any ideas on how to handle this or what to say. We don't want to discourage him but he is clearly not better.
I am so done
My social worker is looking for a bed for my husband. It has been a few weeks and he has worsened. I thought poo in the sink was bad, now he just whips out the trouser squirrel and pees on the floor. I was gobsmacked when he first did it, I have now told him to just pee in the sink, hey it’s porcelain of sorts. Now I just…
When to escalate care and experience with options
As may be seen in my profile, I myself am a physician, but work in a field (neonatology, newborn critical care) that is as far from geriatrics/Alzheimer's as can be, so I am as lost as anyone and perhaps feel a bit of added guilt about my lack of direction. We live just south of Boston. My wife is 69, diagnosed about 3…
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. Those are the words that went through my head yesterday morning when my DH came into the bathroom while I was getting dressed and was very upset. He kept asking, "Why am I in my underwear!? Why am I undressed!?" I couldn't make him understand that it was only 6:30 in the morning…
Does anyone know of a group of golfers with dementia/Alzheimer’s in the Roseville/Sacramento, CA area that my husband could join? He has dementia but would like to continue golfing.
He's in Jesus' arms
My DH passed away Wednesday. Our kids are here and I have some family coming in for his service. It was a long goodbye since diagnosis almost 7 years ago. I feel sad, alone, and yet some relief. He's done suffering, but the love of my life is gone.
Memory Care Roller Coaster
DH is going into his fifth week of out of home care in a licensed elder care family home. It is not really memory care, but the owner and staff have extensive experience with dementia residents. DH is very gradually settling in, but it has been sort of a roller coaster ride and I have never liked roller coasters. The…
TV Remote options
DH has macular degeneration on top of the Alz, and is really having trouble with using the TV Remote. Wondering if someone has used a particular brand they can suggest. He can't see the buttons on the regular one, doesn't feel things well due to neuropathy, frequently/daily gets the wrong channel or disconnects the TV from…
Need Advice - Bathroom Issue
I need advice on how to manage this issue. At dinner time my DH sits down to eat, takes a few bites, quickly stands up and announces he needs to go to the bathroom. He leaves the table and sometimes he goes to the bathroom and sometimes he just walks into another room and comes back to eat. Other times he goes outside,…