CARING FOR PEOPLE WITH MEMORY LOSS JUNE 4, 2022 | 8:00 AM -4:30 PM CST | HYBRID CONFERENCE FREE HYBRID CONFERENCE REGISTER NOW Choose to attend in-person or virtually via Zoom Join experts in a lively, informative discussion related to memory loss, caregiving tips, and what you can do to help. Register June 2022 4…
Feels like whiplash
My DH is in early stages, or so I think. Days go by and he seems fine or at least stable, then he says something that startles me, like asking whether our oldest daughter is married (wedding was 3 years ago). He has no memory of the events and showing photos of the event didn't help him remember at all. Is the memory gone…
Apathy question
Have any of you experienced apathy with your spouse diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?
Medicaid planner verses elder law attorney
Hello All, With my DH getting harder to take care of, I'm looking into long term care instead of caregiving at home. With our financial status, I'm pretty sure he can qualify for medicaid. I'm not sure if I should contact a Medicaid planner or an elder law attorney. What are your suggestions?
Where do you imagine yourself in a year's time?
Last New Year's Eve, I certainly didn't foresee all that has happened this year. Impossible to know, of course, but if I had to guess, I suspect my partner won't be alive in another year's time. I imagine feeling relief and sadness, both, and am already ready to sell the farm and downsize. I want mercy for her, for the…
Questions on respite help
Has anyone used the respite for caregivers thru their supplement insurance? My husband follows me everywhere I go, and I've mentioned to him that someone will come and stay with him a few hours while I take some time to myself. I can tell he's going to throw a fit when I actually leave the house. I'm just wondering how the…
Tell me about your hero
Mine is my daughter, Jennifer. She has two auto immune diseases. She is in pain every day, and she drives to Chicago to see a specialist. If she is late for an appointment, it is cancelled, and she has to wait some time before she can get in to see him. She can't afford to miss an appointment. Not long ago. she was in a…
Horrifying tale of the Aduhelm approval
The High Price of Aduhelm’s Approval:An Investigation into FDA’s Atypical Review Process and Biogen’s Aggressive Launch PlansPrepared by the Staffs of the Committee on Oversight and Reform and Committee on Energy and Commerce…
A few benefits for older people
Well, we have hit a new low with this disease.............DH is now developing horrid toileting habits. He is wearing diapers all the time as he wets himself during the day and night. He pees all over the bathroom floor. Will go in the foyer and pee, yesterday went on my side of the bed and peed all over the carpet. Acts…
urine under recliner on carpet
Okay I knew if anyone would have the answer you would. Google fell short. My DH's recliner is on carpet, After a major bout with Aspiration Pneumonia I have realized that his disposable underwear only holds so much. Didn't realize you could pee that much when you were that dehydrated. I keep learning way more than I ever…
GPS plus fall detection
I have no idea how any of this works, but I just saw where Moto (Motorola) has a smart watch that has GPS and fall protection for $99.00. Thought it might be of interest to some of you. https://gadgetsandwearables.com/2022/12/30/moto-watch-100-fall-detection/
husband convinced all food expired so won't eat
Hello, feeling so alone and discouraged today as my husband (early onset Alzheimer's, stage 5-6) is refusing to eat anything and he's slipping more and more into his own skewed reality, talking to imaginary adversaries and acting agitated and angry, new behaviors over the past few weeks. Have nowhere to turn so thought I'd…
Sudden onset of urinary incontinence after taking Risperdone
My DH is refusing meds and his psychiatrist suggested switching from Seroquel to Risperidone gradually so I can dissolve it in his drink. On the second day of taking Risperidone, my DH wet his pants THREE times, the last one at our friend’s house. Needless to say, I am stopping Risperidone immediately! Has this happened to…
DH is hateful all the time
Since the onset of this diease, my husband is continually getting more hateful. There is no pleasing him. He is angry all the time. Is anyone out there had the same issues? Are there any meds that help with the anger and acting up?
This is something we commonly see on the forum. It will drag you down if you let it. I just found a good video that you might find helpful. Why Do Caregivers Feel Guilt?
Just need to talk to my friends (184)
Hi, Thought I'd do this before 183 went too long - it's been 21 days which is longer than usual - and we've been a talkative bunch of people - love that! I've looked and looked and couldn't find what you all were talking about with Jo's nephew. What happened? Marie - I think we were posting about the same time when you…
Where I or it’s at
Relieving himself when unsupervised - not on the toilet
My DH has for the past few weeks at his MC, been relieving himself on the bathroom floor, bedroom rug, and twice now has gone #2 on the rug. He does wear depends. The caregivers say they ask him every 2 hours to use the bathroom, but he still does this, and the room smells so bad. They clean the rugs and floor every day,…
Thanks to all of you in this forum
I read a lot but cannot post to often because my DH shadows me from morning until he goes to sleep. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your journey and expertise. JustBill wrote on Nov 18 that he looks for moments of light or happiness to carry him through the day. I have followed his advise, carving out…
Somebody was asking how secure our posts are to outsiders
I just did a Google search for "sex" on this site only. It turned up 571 results. This is the query I used - site:alzconnected.org "sex". Then I did a search for "Ed". I got 879 results. My query was - site:alzconnected.org "Ed". If I searched for "Ed1937" I got 604 hits. So it seems pretty easy for people to find…
9 weeks in memory care and destructive
Hi, I’ve been visiting my DH almost daily. Each time I go there, there’s a little more destruction in his room from the night time. (After visiting hours-breaks my heart). He has marred up the walls, broke a toilet, mirror, door, 4 door handles, 3 thermostats (one in another resident room), broke his little table and…
65 years ago today
Yes, today would be our 65th anniversary. For more than 3 years I planned on asking her to marry me again today. But of course that can't happen. But even if she were still here, there's a reasonable chance she wouldn't know me any longer. So I'll have to focus on what a great person she was, what our love meant, and try…
Need a laugh?(1)
I got a invitation from someone I had not seen on the forum so I went looking for that user name and came across this hilarious post. Thank to all those who may not still be here for the laughs I got. Stewart https://www.alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147484140
aspirational pneumonia
Aspirational Pneumonia. My new nightmare. Even after tell the hospitals (I had to go to a 2nd hospital to get help) that my DH has Vascular and Mixed Dementia they didn''t seem to know or be aware of this disease. My DH was extremely dehydrated because he was sleeping 24 hours a day. I forced liquid through his lips in a…
potty humor.
I was up several times in the night with restless spouse syndrome. When I woke the last time she was standing by the bedside poking me awake. I asked if she needed help and she said “Yes. I did something bad. Will you hate me?”. I noticed her pants were on backwards, and that’s almost always a sign of bathroom troubles.…
Feeling bad when I yell
The last month I’m worried about my outbursts. I yell at my DH over something he’s done. it seems to come from no where but really, I’m probably already tired. I got upset when he put too much wood on the fire, or let in the muddy dogs inside when we are expecting company. How bad is this for him? It’s hurtful, and he acts…
So hard to visit him now
My husband is about stage 5-6 AD. He had a stroke and is paralyzed on his right side. He is no longer able to be cared for at home. He’s in a skilled nursing facility, where he is well taken care of. The place looks like a country inn. I visit several times a week. My DH has become increasingly difficult to deal with. He…
What a difference two years make.
Two years ago my wife did our Christmas shopping as she had for 35+ years. We have 6 people to shop for and she got the gifts mixed up. No big deal, busy with work maybe just a brain fart. Not only did she do all the Christmas shopping but everything else as well. All I had to do was work, she spoiled me rotten doing…
Strange ES observation/realization
Before I learned so much about AD I thought it was mostly a disease about forgetting. We all know it’s so much more. One interesting realization I made was at Thanksgiving this year. My husband has always preferred the dark turkey meat. This year he put only turkey breast on his plate and I was very surprised. I understand…