has anyone had to deal with Alzhimers and lung cancer.
Peewee's Alzheimer's is progressing . He has started to believe that live in another town. and that his brother lives with us. He wakes up in the middle of the night and can't figure out where he is at, and wants to know where his brother is. I talked to his Cancer Doctor today and he says that the cancer can take him in 6…
How long is it safe for him to drive?
My husband is 85, undiagnosed, but I suspect somewhere around Stage 3, and he loves to drive. He's always been a very skillful driver, and his skills and eyesight are still excellent. He knows the routes most commonly used to our most common destinations, but for anything new or not common, I have to guide him. What…
A new behaviour(1)
My DH has been urine incontinent for a few months now. Lately he has bowel incontinence as well once in a while. His new "thing" is peeing on the floor around the house. His favorite spot is opening the deck door and peeing out the door and inside the door. The bedroom is another favorite spot, both sides of the…
Unreasonable to expect?
For those of you with spouses/partners in care facilities. Is it unreasonable to expect aides to brush residents’teeth or stand by remind / assist? Is it unreasonable for them to suggest /assist one to put on pjs for sleep? My husband does neither on his own. It’s like after dinner he retreats to his room and just gets…
From Jennifer to you
Caregiver journey map
mood enhancing meds- any suggestions or thoughts??
We saw DH's primary care doc today. He has been having leg edema. Doc decided to put him on a water pill and told DH that he wanted him to walk 100 steps after every time he went to the bathroom. His hope is for exercise and better circulation. I know this sounds good- but I will literally have to tell him that is what doc…
A question about I want to go home
When your LO says, "I want to go home", I understand they are looking for Mom and Dad. If the house where LO grew up is nearby, do you take them there? We couldn't go in, but can easily drive by. Is it helpful, or create more issues than benefits?
I hate my life. DH has FTD and “won’t” is his middle name. He won’t shower, shave, brush his teeth, change his clothes, wear Depends, stop taking food out of the freezer at night and putting it in the oven, turn off lights or water, sleep in his bed, and the list goes on. He is taking Olanzapine and Depakote which I don’t…
How to decide to place or try to keep home?
I don’t post often, but I read several times a week. DH has declined to the point of needing daily care while I work full time as a school counselor. He had a huge decline in November when his doc and I decided to stop Donepezil due to him adding Klonopin. I really didn’t think it was doing much and had read that we should…
Lecanemab accelerated approval
The best article I have found on lecanemab's FDA approval comes from the Alzforum. Lecanemab (brand name Leqembi) is going to be restricted to people with evidence of amyloid plaque who have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia. This comprises about 20 percent of those with AD. There are also cautions for…
Are there people on this forum that you wish you knew who they are. Some folks are just so negative that I wonder why they are always like that. Do you wonder as I know who many of them are. I hate when people think they can say what ever they want just because they know you don't know who they are.
What just happened?!
DH has been home 15 days from a SNF. In that time we've gotten back into a routine, and things have been mostly calm here. I hope it isn't the calm before the storm. We had such a good day today. He happily let me give him a shower. I took him to Disney Springs, and we had a nice lunch followed by ice cream. We sat by the…
Unexpected reaction at memory care
Today My daughter, SIL and I took my DH to a family home board and care. He thought we were going for a car ride and to see how the wood worker had repaired his night table. (Table had to be taken to care facility and its repair requirement was part of the fibbing to get stuff out of our house). We got there at lunch time.…
DH is positive
On top of everything else, DH tested positive for Covid last night. This might have contributed to his double incontinence and confusion. I know he has a sore throat and is starting to have a little trouble catching is breath. I told the staff to be vigilant as he is a heart and cancer patient.I’m still visiting twice a…
Lecanemab and the FDA
The FDA may make a decision on the anti-amyloid drug lecanemab on January 6th. This drug has about the same effectiveness as aducanumab/Aduhelm which the FDA approved last year but which Medicare refused to cover due to concerns over cost, effectiveness, and safety (especially the risk for brain bleeds and brain swelling…
A literal s storm
It’s so crazy. Two 1/2 months ago D H was driving. Followed by a month of geripsych and 1 month in MC. Doc said he was in about the end of stage 4. Four days ago he became more confused and incontinent. Tested for UTI awaiting results but put on Antibiotics. Covid hit MC and DH may have it. He’s definitely not feeling…
My Birthday(1)
This Sunday is my 70th birthday. We are going out with some friends to celebrate. I am not sure if Hubs even remembers. I want him back so bad, back five years or so to when things were relatively normal, before the six hour surgery that started the whole memory problem. I get plenty of counseling support (and legal in…
Moving DH into memory care
I have made the decision to move my DH into a memory care facility. I have 2 choices, one in my town and one in the city in another state where my daughter lives. After looking at the pros and cons, I will make the choice of which place. But my question to all of you who have moved your LO into a facility, how did you go…
OT--baby whale
A whale calf was born on camera a few days ago. I can't give a link, but you can search "baby whale Dana point". It may lift your spirits for a moment. Iris
Furniture suggestions
DH enjoys his big man lazy boy chair but it is fabric and now that he is incontinent it is difficult to maintain. The chair has electric controls. The other issue is that he is having difficulty getting out of it. I think it is too low for him. He is 6’4” tall. I would like to get him a new chair that is easily cleaned,…
Stop caring?
I don't expect much positivity in the new year because it will be another year of constant crying, emotional outbursts and thoughts that make no sense. She never stops. I think the only way to get through another year of this is to stop caring so much. Never gives me five minutes to myself. . . I'm past burnout. Even when…
OK...Glass Half Empty
I am so mad at myself for being such a Pollyanna. Every time I get knocked down, I jump up and try to fid another solution. I look at the glass half-full and then when something doesn't work out I am devastated...but I tell myself not to give up. Well, I am about to throw in the towel. I am more than exhausted and I just…
2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
https://acl.gov/CaregiverStrategy https://acl.gov/sites/default/files/RAISE_SGRG/NatlStrategyToSupportFamilyCaregivers.pdf
The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) examined the impact of delirium
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Listening to Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" and can't stop crying this morning. Must be getting a migraine because I become either agitated or sappy, sometimes both. Grateful for Imitrex
EOAD caregiver of spouse
Although I am not new to this forum this is my very first post/comment. I am also dealing with a spouse with early onset Alzheimer's. I saw symptoms for years but he absolutely refused to see a doctor. He said it was "typical aging" memory loss. He finally went into see a neurologist at my insistence and had testing last…
Tearful, yet beautiful song.
Garden of Remembrance by Fish Copy and paste address below into web browser. https://g.co/kgs/NWzmkD It’s a New Year, I can’t say happy while he’s imprisoned in his mind.
DW wants to leave memory care when I visit her
Hello everyone, This is my first post since my wife was accepted in a memory facility last week. The diagnosis is dementia with recommendations to care for her in memory care for the rest of her life. I am pleased with the facility and the support, but every time I visit her she begins to pack her belongings and wants to…