Wedding anniversary roller coaster
Today is our 26th wedding anniversary.I went through our years worth of saved cards and picked out the anniversary cards and set them up at my husband’s breakfast place. I got tearful looking at them and remembering us. I went upstairs and heard he had left the water running. I told him I think he left the water running…
Hearing Aids(1)
Before my DW retired in 2012 she was given free hearing aids and wore them religiously. A few years later she started using a C- pap machine. She used it for a couple years then she stopped. Despite the doctor’s advise to use it, she doesn’t want to. The doctor says” In this stage of her life (Alzheimer’s), you have to…
I feel like I am loosing my MIND -- Husband Undiagnosed
Since 2013, husband has been diagnosed with Cognitive Disorder NOS, following a period of time on life support due to septic infection and AFib. Since that diagnosis he suffered a massive heart attack ("the widow maker") and had 3 stents placed. The past 2 years have been difficult at best, this past couple of weeks have…
please help(1)
recommendation for adult "diapers" not pullup
Stressed? Do you have an open mind?
This will probably be my only post today, but I wanted to pass it on. If you have an open mind, and feel like you need help, please try this video. If you find it helpful, please let us know. How your brain is making caregiving HARDER
Beware digital medical records
Digital medical records are a great advance in medical care. The patient, or advocate, doesn’t need to repeat the history every medical visit. But beware; a mistake in one provider’s notes will carry over to every subsequent visit. My wife had a bad experience the last month, which was actually caused by a mistake made…
DH sleeps 3-5 hours during day
DH with mild dementia is sleeping excessive, after waking up he is angry and aggressive! What do I do? Waiting for Exelon patch, otherwise no Lz meds
called the doctor in tears
The weekend was okay, well, if you call no major toilet accidents ok. Then this morning he needed a shower, got him in there, then as he was coming out, he had explosive diarrhea, in the shower, on the bathroom floor and then on the bedroom carpet. Not to go in to many details but I was dry heaving the length of the time…
DW is slip-sliding away
AD is a one way road, and it seems like the road is dipping down. DW is now sleeping 14-15 hours overnight; sometimes, she is awake but not wanting to rise from bed in the last hour or two. And sleeping, sitting up, for several hours during the day. She has lost weight. Recently, I found her engagement ring on the bathroom…
need some help suggestions
Good day Everyone. My DH was diagnosed some months back. He usually seems quite happy and we are trying to sort out best way to move forward - selling businesses and home to move to a place with better healthcare etc. He has recently started to have some manic episodes and I am afraid that I am not reacting the best way to…
When to seek help
This is my first post. Please pardon any gaffes. DW has been slowly slipping into dementia for at least a decade. She and I are both strong and otherwise healthy - as in, able to hike six miles, bicycle 30+ miles, kayak, etc. Family members are an hour away in three different directions. We see at least some of them weekly…
new here(16)
I thought it was the memory loss/delusions that was going to put me over the edge. Sadly, the toileting issues have arisen and I am about at the end of my rope. LO (husband) wears protective under garments night and day, urinary incontinence has flared up. So far not any bowel incontinence. But he seems to have forgotten…
You know how it goes... I talk to DW about making plans, we agree, I make the arrangements. Then she forgets we talked and is upset that I made plans. One daughter (1200 miles away) wants me to arrange marriage counseling. I am gobsmacked. DW can't draw a clock, can't load her pillbox, can't keep a calendar and can't…
Infrared light therapy
Latest news shows that this therapy helps with Dementia. Cost is very high- $9000. Improvement in memory has been shown after using this therapy. Any one tried this? Would Medicare cover infrared therapy cost for mild dementia?
unsuccessful visit
We have one couple with whom we've remained close, although my partner sometimes has trouble remembering details about them (she built a house for them years ago, and he is an oncologist --now retired--who diagnosed her lymphoma). They came out to lunch today for the first visit in three months. After they left, my partner…
Es dementia for DH, patch
DH still in denial, planning to start him on 4.6 mg of excelon on patch. Anyone has experienced, does it work? Side effects etc. thanks Two main meds for AZ on market gave him side effects.
DH had Covid
DH had his appendix out three weeks ago and was doing fine for about a week. He ran a fever for a day but it went away but he has been extremely tired and no appetite. On Wed., his sinuses were congested and he was sneezing and blowing his nose a lot. Then he spiked a 100.7 fever and was very confused. Thurs. he was worse…
Loss of connectedness
Hello all, haven't been on in a while. DH has had a relatively calm several weeks - minimal outbursts (I have to remind myself that anger between partners happens even without dementia!), so that has been good. He has been asking to go for rides several times a week, which is also good. During our drives, I realized that…
High blood pressure
DH who is 91 and has moderate dementia ( Alzheimer's ) has recently had very high blood pressure. He has taken BP med for many years and was cut down to 1 pill a day a few years ago. Recently his BP has risen dramatically and the Dr said to increase the med to 2x a day. At first the top number went down to 145 which is ok…
validation refresher
https://homecareassistance.com/blog/validating-dementia-without-lying#:~:text=Validation theory states that whenever there is upset,expressions. These are singular examples for each need.
Puddle busters
Even if you don’t have a puppy you should have puppy training pads. They are very absorbent. Next to toilet if DH has bad aim. They work great to wipe up the pee that didn’t make to the toilet. Or to sop up pee on carpet as well or really anywhere. They are a blessing.
Travel Recommendations
Looking for advice from anyone with similar experiences. DW is 72, diagnosed with MCI. Still somewhat mobile and able to recognize friends and family, although this morning she did ask me my name. We're planning a 1,500 mile trip by car to see her family while she can still do it. I'm willing but think the car ride will be…
Visited a Memory Care
Today a friend and I visited a memory care to see their Day Stay. The first thing we noticed when we walked in was how warm and cozy it seemed. Lots of Halloween decorations had been put up and the staff was setting up for an Octoberfest in the dining room. We walked thru the two areas of care and everywhere the residents…
DW Depends leaks and I'm doing laundry every other day!
My wife is 5 years into ALZ/Dementia and degenerating quickly. She wears Depends all day and all night. But, if I'm not cautious enough, she's in them too long and she'll have wet her pants as well. The process of caring for her bathroom needs is already "over the top" but we're trucking along. Any suggestions?
Respite, what respite?
To recap, I placed my wife in MCF for respite while I had minor surgery. The transition from home to memory care was smoother than I, or anyone from the facility, thought would be the case. Less than two weeks into the respite, 5 days after my procedure, my wife went into the hospital with a UTI and sepsis. She was weak,…
My dear wife(1)
My dear wife passed away, Monday, October 4, 2021. She died peacefully thanks to medicine to keep her resting and comfortable. She suffered a lots from Alzheimer’s disease especially the last few months of her life which seemed to just spiral downward. This disease is just awful. I have learned a lot as a caregiver. To all…
Husband wants to come back home from MCF
My husband has been in a wonderful MCF for 6 weeks and at every visit all he talks about is moving back home. I have tried to change the subject but it always comes back to that. How do I deal with it?
Ed1937 - I Got The Call Up To Fenway
Well, sort of! A former coworker/friend called Monday and invited me to tonight’s game. My sister-in-law is going to come over and stay with DW for the afternoon/evening so I can get out. Go Sox!
Memory Care Facility and Holidays
Hi all - maybe this is no longer the forum I should post in since I abandoned my wife to a memory care facility (guilt still alive and well here) - any suggestions are appreciated. But I am wondering if any others here have their person in MC and if so, do you bring them home for a spell at thvg or Christmas? I miss her…
Just when you think you can handle it
The past couple of days have been delightfully explosion free. I began thinking that perhaps I shouldn’t have agreed with the neurologist to try an antipsychotic drug because of the possible side effects. Then I remembered wise words here about making important decisions based on spouse’s bad behavior, not on the…